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who uses the self ballasted powersun bulbs?


New Member
so Ive been using the 100 watt powersun bulb for my beardie and so far its lasted me 14 months and still going! (i know! long over due for a new one!)
i just ordered another one last night.

my beardie is big fat and healthy.

i was thinking about using the powersun bulb for my tegu (which will be here sometime in june or july)


Is anyone using this bulb?
have you come across any research suggesting just how long the UVA/UVB rays last in them?


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5 Year Member
i use a solar glo (exoterra i believe) MVB for my tegus and I have a powersun for my rhino. I'm pretty sure they recommend every 6 months they need to be replaced, but it could be a year


5 Year Member
Well i use the bulb on the lizards i keep now,and i am please with it and plan to use power suns with my tegu when i get him.

You should really get a new bulb,the uva/uvb last about 6months,the bulb it self will not burn out so after around 6months it will put out heat but no uva/uvb. It says that on the bulb instruction manual and FAQ.

So i have been changing mines out every 7months to avoid any risk.


New Member
ok. thanks guys!
a new bulb should be arriving soon.

such a bummer they don't last longer considering how expensive they are =/


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5 Year Member
Best way to tell if the UVA and UVB is still working is to get a UV meter (there is proper name for it but thats what i call it). I got one becuase i was worried that the bulb wasn't really putting out UV rays. Well the Powersun i was using was still putting out a good amount even at 6 months, at 8 months i noticed it was fading. I am currently switching over to the Fluker version, its cheeper and has gotten good reviews and with three different cages set up cost would be a good thing to off set.


I use Powersun bulbs; but mine start to fade as well after about 8 months. But that is why you make use of the one year warranty they come with!


New Member
chelvis said:
Best way to tell if the UVA and UVB is still working is to get a UV meter (there is proper name for it but thats what i call it). I got one becuase i was worried that the bulb wasn't really putting out UV rays. Well the Powersun i was using was still putting out a good amount even at 6 months, at 8 months i noticed it was fading. I am currently switching over to the Fluker version, its cheeper and has gotten good reviews and with three different cages set up cost would be a good thing to off set.

thanks for the advice! im definately going to have to invest in one of those meters!


5 Year Member
Yeah they are great investments, They are called solar meters.Cheapest i ever saw one was $125

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.amazon.com/Solarmeter-Model-6-2-UV-Meter/dp/B0043XD3AY" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.amazon.com/Solarmeter-Model- ... B0043XD3AY</a><!-- m -->


That would be a good thing for the tegu talk management to buy in bulk and sell to members [if a good deal was to be had ] ...

There is no reason that a UV meter should cost over fifty bucks ..


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5 Year Member
Ya i got mine second hand from someone who bought it to check the UV for a lizard they were treating with MBD. They were really upset when the animals died that they sold everything they had boughten for thier iggy. I was not about to pass up a bargin. I am surprised how expensive they are.


5 Year Member
I use the Powersuns...best bulb I've ever used, hands down. I rotate mine every 6 months or so and have never had a problem with them. I've got big, fat, healthy tegus--so I'm happy with them.

Draco D Tegu

New Member
If I could afford that much at once, I certainly would buy them for all my reptiles. Sadly I use 48 inch reptisun bulbs and basking bulbs. Which kinda sucks lately because I will have to upgrade ALL my fixtures because they don't sell the T-12 bulbs anymore.


New Member
montana said:
That would be a good thing for the tegu talk management to buy in bulk and sell to members [if a good deal was to be had ] ...

There is no reason that a UV meter should cost over fifty bucks ..

THATS A GREAT IDEA! and I completely agree!

Draco D Tegu said:
If I could afford that much at once, I certainly would buy them for all my reptiles. Sadly I use 48 inch reptisun bulbs and basking bulbs. Which kinda sucks lately because I will have to upgrade ALL my fixtures because they don't sell the T-12 bulbs anymore.

awwwwwwww!! man that suuuuucks!


New Member
slideaboot said:
I use the Powersuns...best bulb I've ever used, hands down. I rotate mine every 6 months or so and have never had a problem with them. I've got big, fat, healthy tegus--so I'm happy with them.

GLAD TO HEAR! I use one with my beardie and im happy with it as well

safe to say that I'll be using one with my tegu as well!

will now be making sure to replace em every 6 months

reptmart has em on sale for $40! awesome! i paid $60 for my first one! :roll:


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5 Year Member
I looked into getting Solar Meters in bulk and the lostest price is $110 for 15 or more. Not really a good bulk price but i am gussing its not a cheap thing to produce.

Draco D - rather than replace the fixtures how about as those go out you can upgrade to the MVB system? It would be little extra money up front but at lest it will be over time.


5 Year Member
turtlepunk said:
slideaboot said:
I use the Powersuns...best bulb I've ever used, hands down. I rotate mine every 6 months or so and have never had a problem with them. I've got big, fat, healthy tegus--so I'm happy with them.

GLAD TO HEAR! I use one with my beardie and im happy with it as well

safe to say that I'll be using one with my tegu as well!

will now be making sure to replace em every 6 months

reptmart has em on sale for $40! awesome! i paid $60 for my first one! :roll:

Yeah, you got a nice deal! You can usually find them for that price if you look around online long enough. I try to keep an extra or two lying around just in case one happens to blow (hasn't happened for years, but better safe than sorry).


New Member
yea powersun bulbs are the best in my opinion =) i have the 160watt bulb i also use a regular heat bulb though due to my large cage being to ventilated. but it keeps my backing spot at aroun 100 degrees. pricey but worth every penny

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