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whoop whoop... making progress


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Hi Guys n Gals....
Just thought I'd add some pics and tell everyone that AlphaAlpha has being a brave little tegu this morning and let me stroke him several times without freaking and sprinting away at top speed, he even kept coming back and investigating me more... its seems to have being a long slog (4 weeks) but just shows patience pays off.... so rewarding just have to make sure I don't rush him/her now and learn to read his/hers moods as just in this short time I'm hooked. IMG_20170703_143024.jpg


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Thak you .... he seems to be happy and doing really well.... poops, eats and is on his second shed in 5 weeks.....I`m just so eager for him to be BIG....lol
Thak you .... he seems to be happy and doing really well.... poops, eats and is on his second shed in 5 weeks.....I`m just so eager for him to be BIG....lol
They are fun when they get bigger I don't know how they are small. But I know these guy are very smart Jeffrey will come to the front of his cage when he wants out if I'm not visible he scratches :F and before he crawls around he comes to me for some pets then he's off on his little roaming adventure


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Little update on mine and AA progress ....After viv training seaming to take a backward step and AA reverting back to hiding everytime I entered his viv I teased him/her into a box/hide today and took him/her to a room I had emptied down to as minimalimistic as posible with just a couple of hiding places for him/her to feel safe..... This went really well and I feel I`ve made the most progress today.....AA was a lot calmer and more investigative to both me and his surroundings, AA also didn`t spend anytime at all in any of the hides and kept coming up close to me on his/her own merit which allowed me to touch and pick him/her up with little fuss on a good few occasions...... I`ve decided this is the way forward for us.

Anybody want to share my Apartment?? as it seams I`m going to be spending a lot of time not using most of it..... pmsl


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Like two totally different temperament.....

1) in his/her viv is really skittish only letting me get close and stroking occasionally.... no aggression though so that's still awsome..

2) out his/her viv totally calm comes up and investigates me, lets me easily pick him/her, arches his/her back and pushes hard into my finger as I stroke him/her and is so chilled I can basically do anything to me
Jeffrey is the same kinda when he's in his home I have to be extra careful like he's mad or something so it's scary until he's out he's a big baby and loving when he's out


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thanks for the input its really nice to hear from someone with larger columbian... its a bit of a pain for me at the moment as his viv is in my main room which I can't let him roam free in as there is far too many hiding places....so catching him each day to take him in a seperate room to play is a fun/challenge all in one....lol
At one time his door broke and he escaped in the middle of the night it took me 2 hours to find him and he was right there in view lmao and he did it again the next night which actually took all day to find him it was fun but man I rather not have to again it's scary how well they can just hide


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DOH........... Big mistake... took Alpha out as normal today and thought I`d hide some slithers of meat around the room on little mats so he/she had to use his/her sences to find which worked well until I picked Alpha up forgetting to wash my hands and OUCH. All I can say is I`m glad I have nails as his/her bite packed quite a punch..... Lesson learned the hard painful way for me....lol
DOH........... Big mistake... took Alpha out as normal today and thought I`d hide some slithers of meat around the room on little mats so he/she had to use his/her sences to find which worked well until I picked Alpha up forgetting to wash my hands and OUCH. All I can say is I`m glad I have nails as his/her bite packed quite a punch..... Lesson learned the hard painful way for me....lol
I actually did this once forgetting to washave my hands lol but I didn't get bit but my husband has been bit by scaring him I do know they leave a nasty mark


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I can believe it....Even though Alpha is only small and it was only sharp from his bottom jaw as luckily for me his top jaw was inbedded into my nail.. it still hurt and I feel he only really stopped as it wasn`t just soft tissue.... I`ll definitely be more careful in the future...lol


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Things are moving forward.... managed to pick him up straight from his viv today and take him /her to his/her special room for exercise and interaction with me which is going really well although he/her tends to prefer curling round the back of my neck where I cant see.....whilst out I had a little switch around in the viv that he/she seams to like

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