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My tag is I Mammoth I but it's filled up so if you want to play tell me and I'll add you :lol:
As for Halo 3, how did you feel about it? I was sort of disappointed. For the "the best game ever" it was quite a let down. Graphics are great, but I don't like the multiplayer, and the single player is too easy to beat.
Rainbow 6 Vegas is the game I have been playing and it's pretty fun, and alot different from Halo. If any of you don't have it you should go pick up a used copy or something, I think they are only like 30 bucks...
Yeah, it was kinda a disapointment, after all that time, but still fun.
I'm not such a big fan of Rainbow 6, but from what I have heard
Call Of Duty 4 is gonna pwn all!!!!!!
any one besides me get assassins creed ? and how many of the 9 have u killed, i have killed 3! and have 3 more on my list but now the gaurds are going to be on more alert, which means i need to stop being such a clumpsy assassins. i keep falling or running into people... of useing the wrong weapon to asssinate people and end up fighting em instead