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New profile posts

I just acquired a captive bred Solomon island skink, aka prehensile tailed or monkey-tailed skink. Everybody else is great, my gu is amazing
I want a little scaled monkey so bad! Where did you get yours from?

I got it from major league exotic pets at an expo. Same people I acquired my rhino from(although, it’s from Starborn line)
I’ve been inactive for ages! I’ve got a new black and white argentine tegu and she’s awesome. I swear I’m not a cringy 13 year old anymore.
Hey, I recently posted a thread on whether my tegu is female or male, and I was wondering if you can help me out. You seem to know a lot and I would really appreciate it.
Just a few weeks ago Bilbo chose to walk out of his cage for exploring time all on his own! We've been working on that for awhile now, happy
hello debita, Have you ever taken a bite from these guys. im hoping i can get this guy to a trustworthy disposition. I have a red thats a baby and im trying to put time with him. the one i have is wild caught so im a little worried.
Vetboi88-I havent been bitten. My 2yr old tried but not connected. I stopped trying so hard to get him to come to me-he realized maybe I wasnt so bad. I moved slowly. Mine is a B/W that is wild caught. Got him at 1 yr old. Now he likes me a little! Everyone told me it would work out in a few weeks-It didnt. Its a big win when I carry him around the house with no death roll. I've def bled, from deep scratches!
Just got my baby tegu yesterday at the Repticon show .. super excited to watch him/her grow
Living the dream with my amazing lizards. My red tegu is about 6 months and has become extremely tame, he is awesome. Next to tame is Rhino
hey i see you have either an argentine or red in your picture, how big was the yonging when you got it?
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Sorry for the late response! I have an b&w argentine! He was 17” when I got him he is now 26”!