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Search results

  1. C

    ZOO MED Repti Halogen 100Watt

    I have a tempgun. Do I measure the ground temps for the cool side? The light are off right now so I won't be able to check till tomorrow. My hot side was from 105 to 115. I'm trying to work on that to make it less hot. I took out her basking rock and moved mulch around. My room temps are always...
  2. C

    ZOO MED Repti Halogen 100Watt

    One more thing Dave. I have it in a 4x2x2. It seems to making the cage kinda hot, my tegu seems to want out lately. Its in 85 inside.
  3. C

    ZOO MED Repti Halogen 100Watt

    Alright thanks.
  4. C

    Impulse Buy...

    I might get some to lol!
  5. C

    ZOO MED Repti Halogen 100Watt

    Its 2500. Why does that matter? Makes it last longer?
  6. C

    ZOO MED Repti Halogen 100Watt

    Hey I bought a halogen flood lights (PAR38) Is this right? Light output:1050 75watt.
  7. C

    Call of Duty Peeps?

    im a xbox person to :) gamertag: x BLUEZY x hit me up if you want to play :)
  8. C

    Mice Thawing

    Ya usually put mine in hot hot water for about 10 mins or until they are soft but i was examining the mice and i saw like small white blob spots some places on the mouse And i dont know if its because its not fully thawed out or if its just normal or if its something else so ya.
  9. C

    Poop Problems

    How does the stool sampling work? like do you have to take your tegu in the vet place or do you just bring them some tegu poop? Also How much does it cost to get a stool sample and to get the medication?
  10. C

    Mice Thawing

    I have a quick a question i was wondering what everyone else does to thawed out their mice? like do you guys put them in warm water? or do you put them in the refrigerator until they get soft? Thanks :)
  11. C

    Poop Problems

    In the palm springs area
  12. C

    Poop Problems

    Oh okay thanks Ashesc :) heres some pics (sorry for the quality its off my phone)
  13. C

    Poop Problems

    Naw bro i live in southern CA. do u know if there is any good herp vets over here?
  14. C

    Poop Problems

    okay thanks alot bro i appreciate it :)
  15. C

    Poop Problems

    im feeding her ground turkey, chicken liver, cow liver, mice, baby quail, crickets, roaches, and worms. Do u think she has parasites or protozoa? but what are protoza? and also where can i go and get a test sample at?
  16. C

    Poop Problems

    Lately my tegu's poop has been coming out as a liquid instead being solid but sometimes its a solid liquid but rarely just solid. Is it because of the food i've been feeding her? or is it something else? or is it just a normal thing? Can anyone give me an answer please Thanks :)
  17. C

    Peat moss help!

    I'm building a pin for my tegu so she can hang outside during the day. I wanted to make sure the peat moss i'm using is ok. Its called Sphagnum peat moss, by greensmix. I'll post a link to the site so you guys can check it out and let me know. <!-- m --><a class="postlink"...
  18. C

    can we tell if im male or female?

    Yeah I agree, female.
  19. C

    my tegus need a new home

    Hey aren't you goin to wake them up any ways to sell them. Where did u get the SMALL tegu from? Do you know its sex? Also does the tegu come with the cage and accessories too?
  20. C

    Is Crab ok to feed?

    OH okay, ya i was just wondering. :) Thanks bobby :-D