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Hey guys, my B&W tegu is going crazy in her cage, she constantly tries and wanting to get out by jumping up on the door and trying to climb up then she sometimes jumps on the uvb light fixture and the uvb light. Im just scared one day shes gonna break the light and hurt herself or hurt herself...
Hows Blue Flamingo cypress mulch? i usually go with them but i remember one time i bought the mulch and it had weird barks of wood and other random types of wood through out the cypress mulch so I was unsure if i should keep going with them or not. Do you know if Blue flamingo changed its blend...
Hi everyone, i've had a tegu for about 3 years and still struggle to find cypress mulch out here in sol cal. I've found that my local ace hardware does carry this compacted mulch which i believe it is coconut husk but i was wondering if you guys can check it out and let me know what you think of...
This is closed. Sorry guys Ill start selling again in the spring time if i never got a chance to reply to your messages or texts, im really sorry about that just been busy with school and family problems but i appreciate your business I hope your still interested in the spring.
Hey guys i have a Yellow Ackie Monitor for sale, Im selling the Ackie wit the cage for 150 (its pick up or meet up only) but just the Ackie itself is 120 shipped. I dont have the time or funds for the little fellow so I have reach to a point where I have to sell the ackie to a good home. I live...
Well my Tegu woke up yesterday and I was thinking about getting some cypress mulch soon. I saw a commercial for walmart back in December I believe with free shipping on any item to any of there stores. If people could post the code for the cypress mulch in there stores people on the west coast...
haha thanks guys for all your input :-D
The Cage isnt stainless steal and the dimensions are 7x3x3. The inside i used kilz 2 waterbased and put some water resistance caulk on the the edges. For the outside i used a primer then painted it over with a dull black to match the colors in my room...
ooo u did, ya i called the 2 local ace hardware store where i live and they said they dont carry that cypress mulch. They told me to order it online but i couldnt find that brand either online so ya.
Hey everyone I posted a post not to long ago asking if anyone has notice if blue flamingo has changed there blend? Well I called the makers of blue flamingo and he told me that there mulch is NOT 100% cypress. In fact no one can claim that he said. Because most companies selling other mulchs as...