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  1. K

    Help (How to bond?)

    I have a 2 and a half year old tegu, she isn’t aggressive she’s actually mostly skittish and doesn’t want to be bothered. But when I try to bond with her by holding her on my bed or spend time with her, she doesn’t want anything to do with me for a few minutes then will try smelling me slowly...
  2. D


    Hey everyone! First post here. My male red Argentine tegu Asmodeus or Asmo for short is 1yr 8 months old. He has always been hissy and huffy when I go to grab him, but lately he's been striking at me behind the windows of his PVC enclosure. I can't come near him otherwise he will attack. He has...
  3. P

    New Behavior Question

    My Big boy ( red tegu) Koa is about to be a year old and he recently started this new behavior where he will dig into me or my gf as if he looking for something and trying to burrow than go to bite us. It is a very non aggressive bite with no charging threat posing or anything of the sort it is...