• Hello guest! Are you a Tegu enthusiast? If so, we invite you to join our community! Our site is specifically designed for you and it's a great place for Tegu enthusiasts to meet online. Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your Tegu and enclosure and have a great time with other Tegu fans. Sign up today! If you have any questions, problems, or other concerns email [email protected]!


  1. Lil_Nas_Rex

    Lil’ Nas Rex wants to say hello!

    Hello All, I just wanted to introduce myself. I have an approximately one year old black and white Argentine tegu. Lil Nas Rex currently lives in a 4x8x4ft fully decked out enclosure. I joined the forum to gain more knowledge about taking the best care of my Tegu I possibly can. Any advice or...
  2. R

    Introduction and Question about new Florida laws.

    Hello everyone! I love tegus and have wanted one for about three years now. I finally have the enclosure and time/money available to adopt one. I found a very cute albino argentine morph at a local pet store here in Florida, but I have a few concerns about the laws. Currently working it out...
  3. S

    New here! I have a Brumation Question

    Hello! I just joined, so I wanted to introduce myself! I'm SammySamSam, and I have a question. First off im new to Tegu ownership so any advice is welcome! I have an Argentine Red Tegu. Though I sadly don't know his exact age. he's still a baby and his name is Sam Crowley or just Sam. Now the...
  4. Mad

    Doggie the Tegu!

    Good to meet everyone! I’m mad and my tegu baby is named Doggie. He’s a free-roaming Argentinian black and white juvenile tegu :). He is very sweet and happy and loves being handled and loves to explore. Happy to meet everyone
  5. É

    Looking to breed

    Hello, I have been raising wonderful tegus and I am getting ready to breed them. I have pictures attached of my beautiful babies for everyone to see. I want to meet as many other tegu keepers as possible because I love to see how everyone else is taking care of their tegus. I also love sharing...