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  1. Djatawsome

    New Baby Red Tegu

    I recently bought a baby Argentine red tegu at the Tinley Park Narbc reptile expo. I have another tegu but raised her from a yearling, so I don't quite understand the intricacies of hatchlings quite yet. I have my baby setup in a 75 gallon acrylic tank for growing. I've had him for only 4 days I...
  2. LycanthropeHeart

    Why are Golden tegus cheaper than black and whites?

    I had this question for a very long time Why are golden tegus cheaper than black and whites? Is it because of their bad reputation? are they are they easier to breed? To be honest I found them quite beautiful, I just love their golden color! that's why I decided to own one. (He's from a farm...
  3. Djatawsome

    ISO: Tame Male Blue Tegu or Bw Tegu

    Im looking for a male Blue/Bw tegu preferably 30in or more and within $250. Im in the Chicago area willing to pick up or get shipped. Please let me know if you have one and sent pictures pls.
  4. Gregor

    clipping nails and trust?

    It's been a bit of a slow process building trust with my tegu, and his nails are getting really sharp he is climbing my face verticly lol and it hurts, I wanted to know if clipping their nails effect the trust I've built with him?
  5. Kevincanales.kc

    Male or female Red Tegu?

    I've had my Tegu for about 6 months and i honestly cannot tell if it is a male or female, can any one help?
  6. Kevincanales.kc

    For Sale Male Purple Tegu
