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Hello, I'd like some advice on force handing my juvenile tegu. He's about 22 inches long including tail. his body is about 7 inches. I have to take him to the vet to get tagged, but we've had him for less than a month, and he still is very bite-y, and doesn't like to be touched at all, let alone...
Just got this tegu as a rescue and noticed this thing on the scales on her head. I’m guessing Its either a burn scar, rubbed it raw against something somehow, or scale rot. Can someone please help? She seems healthy otherwise.
My tegu got a nick on top of his head. I rinsed and applied triple Antibiotic. Other than continually rinsing and reapplying over the next few days, is there anything else I could be doing. Thanks in advance
Hi, I’ve been looking for a reliable vet in the Nj, Pa area. My daughters golden tegu was ill, we rushed her to Northstar emergency in South Jersey. Needless to say, after spending the night there, she came home looking worse than when we brought her in, spent about $1,300.00 on vet bills, only...