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anyone skate?


New Member
haha i just misread it. i was like this sounds odd. ive never heard of anyone doing that. i though we may have a pro on our hands haha


New Member
5 Year Member
yeah i do my own paint, i used to paint cars for a living. 5yrs of auto body repair in 3 different shops. LOVED it, but all the problems with my knee & no one out here hires anyone but family. But I've been painting bikes for about 10 years, buddies of mine used to make their own frames & one of them now works for FBM bikes out of Johnson City (that company started out of the basement of East Coast Terminal Skate Park) i spent better part of my life riding there. I still remember my 1st 25+ft manual on a bike & jumping up on top of the 20ft 1/4 pipe (i will not lie scared the crap out of me)

the enigma

New Member
Thats cool. I do my own board deck designs and and I've dabled some in painting. It would be cool to get my own equipment someday. So what is bigger in NY skating or biking? down here it's probably skating. I've been to NY sevral times but I've never noticed what is more prevalent.


New Member
5 Year Member
it's about even depends on where in what city. Like JC it's about even north side more skaters & south side (industrial. district) is more bikers.
it usually runs 50/50 or 60/40 but never a real big deferents

& yes in NY the bikers do not get along at all, It's seems no matter where i live I'm the go between the 2 groups, one week I'd be crushing gaps, stairs, rails, car bumpers with the "handle huggers" & I'm skating with the "wood riders" the next I've even met up with the wrong groups with the other ride. they dont care but they dogged on my bad for it. But for some reason they never minded that i was a floater between the clicks.

the enigma

New Member
Yeah its the same here the two groups hate eachother. I kinda feel sorry for the roller bladers around here all the skate boarders call them "fruit booters"


New Member
5 Year Member
Ahhh Yes the Fruit Booters both skaters & bikers join to hate on the Fruit Booters (same thing NY calls them lol)

the enigma

New Member
I don't think they get much love anywhere they go. Lol!
So do you guys have any remarkable skate or bike shops in NY? If so what are they called and where are they? (So I can visit them next time I go up.)

the enigma

New Member
My bad Pikey, I was runnin out the door when I wrote that and didn't have time to say. I generally get to see most of NYC and a little bit outside the city limits.


New Member
5 Year Member
Ahh I'd have to talk to my friend Tom & Greg, I haven't been to the city in like 7yrs so i really dont know any more. Terminals & any of the Industrial areas are always fun.... but gotta keep an eye out for the fuzz

the enigma

New Member
yep there was a video circulating on the web about a baltimore city cop beating on a skater because the poor guy was skating in the inner harbor.

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