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Baby Blue Tegus are here!!!!!!!!!!

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
:shock: I need to stop looking at this thread,...if I knew what I was getting from Davedragon, I would get one :-D .
Blue is my favorite color :mrgreen: .


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I just wanted to say i got one of these hatchlings yesturday and she (thats what im hoping for) is just a monster, all in a good way. She was very fat and even once she heated up was not a nervous as my last blue hatchling which came from reptile depot. I could tell Javier really loves his tegu we ended up talking for awhile.

I would say if your thinking about getting one... you should. Mine has eatten last night and again tonight. She looks out to see whats going on and very very healthy. I like said i would suggest getting one... but i want to get another one, i just have to wait for my next pay check.

A+++ tegus!!


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5 Year Member
Miami, FL
chelvis said:
I just wanted to say i got one of these hatchlings yesturday and she (thats what im hoping for) is just a monster, all in a good way. She was very fat and even once she heated up was not a nervous as my last blue hatchling which came from reptile depot. I could tell Javier really loves his tegu we ended up talking for awhile.

I would say if your thinking about getting one... you should. Mine has eatten last night and again tonight. She looks out to see whats going on and very very healthy. I like said i would suggest getting one... but i want to get another one, i just have to wait for my next pay check.

A+++ tegus!!

Thank you, chelvis!

Enjoy you're new tegu!


New Member
5 Year Member
Just wanted to throw in my two cents, I just got one from tigerfangs, lucky for me he lives only 15minutes away from my house!! haha, yaaay for no shipping! I will have to post some pics of the one I got from him, but I did see all his babies in person and they are stunning, absolutly beautiful and worth the money... people keep complaining about the price, if you cant afford it, then you dont need it. simple. thanks! Tegus rule.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I'm glad to hear someone else went ahead a got one of his blues. I've had mine now for three weeks about and she seems to be an eatting machine. I can ahndle her alright and she is not moving up to pinkie mice, hurray i dont have to buy crickets ever week. I still want to get another one but am waiting to make sure i still have a job for next month.


5 Year Member
Hi Javier.Those are some awesome looking hatchlings.They are right.You do have great Tegus.I didn't get one from you this year because my two hybrids and your blues have the same dad.But I want to thank you again for such a blessing.They are doing great and I love them very much.Do you know how your old powder blue/red female is doing that you sold ? I miss her even I never got to see her in person.She is still on my mind and the best looking female out there ( for except her daughters lol ) .

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