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Back from the Vet..Surgery Tomorrow :(


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dragonqueen - I am so happy for you and trooper! His name is so appropriate! He really is a trooper!

Keep us posted on his recovery.


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baytril is a antibiotic as you know, after the treatment you will also want to use acidophilus to re-populate the GI with good bacteria or else you will have serious problems with lack of appetite and digestion, I'm not a fan of any antibiotic that needs an IM injected loading dose but that's just me....I knew he had ate something LOL....damn tegus eating whatever fits in their mouths.


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Tux said:
baytril is a antibiotic as you know, after the treatment you will also want to use acidophilus to re-populate the GI with good bacteria or else you will have serious problems with lack of appetite and digestion, I'm not a fan of any antibiotic that needs an IM injected loading dose but that's just me....I knew he had ate something LOL....xxxx tegus eating whatever fits in their mouths.

Yeah, if you can Pet Authority makes a liquid Acidophilus for lizards, which is sold online at reptilesupply.com.

My tegu tries to eat rocks every day when we go outside. I end up pulling them out of his mouth in the knick of time.


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thx, i will be back at the vet tmw morning, i will see if they have any acidophilus.. reptile supply takes a month to ship supplies to me, thats too long. if the vet doesnt have this product is there anything else you can recommend?

i have 2 containers of what was removed from him. one container is a rock.. the other container.. your not going to believe it when u see it. .. its so much poop/soil. i will take pics sometime this weekend and post them,

so i keep him on plantation soil about 4-5 inches high, it keeps the humidity high and he loves to borrow.. obviously hes been eating it, and because of the mbd cant pass it. so i just put him on a towel, with the soil underneath to help with humidity. the towel is taped to the tank, so he cant get under it onto the soil.

i just noticed, he is now skin and bones.. i need to get him eating and drinking. im so afraid hes going to get sick again.


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A month jebus, I've spoken to the owner before, maybe I can figure out his supplier. Yogurt with live cultures can help (i'm not sure how tegus handle lactose but it should be ok). My local petsmart actually carries it oddly enough.


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yep, ive ordered bulbs almost a month ago now and still havent gotten them.

ive just been watching trooper and his breathing is bad.. his little jowls are shaking very quickly and hes taking deep breathes. hes also very thin now.


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Tux said:
My local petsmart actually carries it oddly enough.

You are lucky! I've searched all over the local Petsmarts and Petcos to no avail around here.

Does it take a month because of customs?

This lady has it:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.beautifuldragons.503xtreme.com/Meds.html#Acidophiliz" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.beautifuldragons.503xtreme.c ... cidophiliz</a><!-- m -->

Maybe she can help you out and it would go to a good cause too. If you order it in the very near future, 100% of the proceeds are donated to this beardie (you can see the story on her site to).


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Give him Soy yogurt (available at any grocery store) and probiocin paste from the vet. NutriBac is also very good for upset tummy issues. I got it online. And try "Jump-start" caloric supplement & appetite stimulant made by Zilla- you can usually find it at the petstore or online. Good Luck


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Soy yogurt has the same properties as normal yogurt as far as probiotics go, you still need to find one that has live cultures as the pasteurization kills them so I see no benefit with soy. probiocin isn't needed if you buy yogurt with live beneficial bacteria. NutriBac is also not needed if you are feeding said yogurt, why your recommending multiple probiotics I do not know. jump-start is for those whom don't follow proper feeding habits IMO: list of ingredients apparently (no mention of percentages anywhere)

Corn Syrup, Soybean Oil (Source of LA and ALA), Malt Syrup, Cod Liver Oil (Source of ERA and DMA), Cane Molasses, Methylcellulose, Water, Gelatin By-products, dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Sodium Benzoate (Preservative), Manganese, Sulfate, Ferric ammonium Citrate, Thiamin HCI, Niacin, Calcium Pantothenate (source of Calcium and Pantothenic Acid), Magnesium Sulfate, Pyridoxine HCI, Vitamin A Palmitate & D3 Supplement, Potassium Iodide (Source of Iodine and Potassium), Riboflavin 5-Phosphate Sodium (source of Vitamin B2 and Phosphorus), Folic Acid and Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12).

I still don't get why you would be feeding any foods made by oxbow.


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My vet recommended probiocin and Soy yogurt over cow milk yogurt because it is plant based rather than cows' milk which is not in a Tegu's diet. I was recommending different probiotics because her Tegu just had intestinal surgery and you have to be very careful of what he/she eats right now and how much. I didn't mean to say she should give them all at the same time-I was just suggesting what I had used personally. And the Jump-start, because it's high caloric and easily digestable. She said he was very skinny.


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most foods we feed our animals aren't in their natural diets, so long as they can digest them they are fine, the basic point however is that only one probiotic is needed and live culture yogurt does the trick be it soy or cows milk. soybeans aren't in a tegus normal diet either remember.

probiocin isn't needed if it's live culture yogurt. If the gut flora are re-established theirs no need for a supplement of jump-start thats all.


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Central FL
There are hundreds of microflora in the human gut even if only 30 or 40 make up the predominant majority. Reptile microflora has not been well-studied, but one iguana study did not even isolate Lactobacillus in the feces. While it may have been shown to be helpful in combating the overgrowth of yeast and correcting pH, I would personally go with a probiotic that offered a few different bacteria vs. one genera. I would think there are quite a few different kinds of microflora in reptile guts, too.

I think this is one of those issues that is a personal call...if you just want to feed yogurt, OK. But if you go for a more complex probiotic, it sure isn't going to be harmful.

Oxbow offers a food (albeit processed) that is semi-solid or liquid, and easily digestible. All those lovely processed sugars sound nasty, but they are designed for a quick blood sugar boost with some vitamins and minerals, not a regular diet. Glucose IV's and feeding tubes are great, too, but I wouldn't want to be sustained on them. :p yuk

Short of shaving rodents and throwing them in a blender with some produce, oxbow isn't so bad for an anorexic tegu. :lol:


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5 Year Member
Tux said:
A month jebus, I've spoken to the owner before, maybe I can figure out his supplier. Yogurt with live cultures can help (i'm not sure how tegus handle lactose but it should be ok). My local petsmart actually carries it oddly enough.

your store sells yogurt???

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