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Buying a B&W Tegu


Active Member
5 Year Member
Some say yes, some say no. At that age I say yes, because they're almost hatchlings and CB and Farmed babies have the same instincts and haven't learned to survive in the wild and be as defensive as a WC adult would be. Others will disagree but I say yes they are close to the same.


New Member
"I currently don't have a female for my adult male as I am searching for the perfect girl for him. So until then it is just him." - Wil


New Member
if you get an import, it will always be an import. The differencs is that you will never know the genetics of the parents and how well (or poor) they have been kept. Buying a cbb from a reputable breeder you will usually know the stock that it is coming from is quality and that the breeder hopefully has a good reputation. Generally these breeders care more about the animals than they do about the money!!
Please understand that in no way are we saying imported animals are bad and you should stay away from them. We are just trying to help you understand the differences. In my opinion you have just as much chance finding a great new imported tegu as you do waiting and purchasing from a reputable breeder. It cant hurt to go to the Expo and check them out. Ask as many questions as possible and handle as many as they let you. You will always have better luck dealing with a larger more well known vendor ( like LLLreptile if they are there again) if any health problems arise down the road.
Best of luck in whatever choice you make. Let us know how you make out.


5 Year Member
So I have to ask this: I went to a local, very reputable, herp store this past weekend. He had some Argentine B/W's that he says he bought from a breeder in Georgia and (I asked twice) assured me they were cbb - not just cb. Is that possible? Could 'gus somehow be tricked into breeding early or at different times? Or is it more likely whoever sold them to him "fibbed"?

He also has, along with many herps for sale, MANY that are pets. For this guy, it's most certainly a passion first, a business second. He had two adult b/w's which I was able to hold and he fed one (sitting on the floor - not in my hands) while I was there. I'm not saying that means anything when it comes to the origin of the babies for sale, only that in addition to selling them, he has them as pets.

So is it possible these are CBB babies?


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Well here's the thing, it takes a female a while to build up follicles, they usually start at the end of summer right before hibernation, once that happens when she's ready they breed a few times usually takes about a week or 2 for it to actually take, then another few weeks for her to lay, then another 2 mos.+ for the eggs to hatch so in all about a good 3-4mos., so unless you are getting them to breed out of season which is highly unlike you would need them to breed in september/october to get hatchlings in january and so on


New Member
Those are all very possible scenarios. I would wait to get one from a good breeder who can provide you with evidence that it is CBB. I have put a deposit down for a reg. b/w tegu at varnyard, and have emailed Bobby several times since the deposit. He has replied to my emails within a day or two and answered my questions as well. He told me the b/w arg.'s will be ready for June. Getting an import can pose risks like everyone has mentioned. From what I gather bobby is a great breeder, and just like any business it has it's ups and downs. All in all if it were me I would wait(which I can relate it is hard to do when you have other options at earlier dates) and get one from a breeder/supplier who can assure you they bread it or who bread it, not just let you know what you want to hear to make a sale like a lot of pet shops do unknowingly because they were told it was cbb. This will be my second tegu, my first i had to give away after I had him for about a year. They are awesome creatures and I am really excited about getting mine in June. Good luck.


5 Year Member
I've talked to Bobby a few times now. Some of the things I read about the 'red incident' last year kinda put me off. But I think I will play it safe and go with Varnyard for a B/W. Thanks for the responses.


5 Year Member
As you can see from the sig, I changed my mind. I'm sure dealing with Bobby is FINE - and I'm sincere there. He called me a number of times and we did have a good talk. I decided to go with TeguTerra in the end. Johnny responds to emails much faster, doesn't ask for nor accept deposits (which is what led to problems with Varnyard in the past - I've never heard a complaint about his animals) and was very responsive to me. I look forward to getting my b/w this summer.

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