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Just the way the animal looks, the snout is usually longer in the males, also this animal looks to be large enough to show buttons if it was a male. Do you feel/see anything next to the vent?
You should not need to press, they are raised scales, like round rased buttons, and they are larger then the rest of the scales next to the vent on each side.
at 31 or so inches these bumps should be extremely visible, is that correct? i was thinking my teg was still a bit small for the buttons because of a post i read saying most are visable at 36''. maybe i dont know what to look for yet in the early stages of buttons,''lol'' one minute im feeling for, the next im looking at.lol
That is a girl, I am about 99% sure. You can take pick of the vent, as for the size, they can be seen at 17 to 20 inches if you know what to look for, but I would say you have a real nice female. Also this animal should be getting jowls if it were a male, I don't see the start of jowls on her.
ok thanks Bobby, I will do some vent pics in a day or two and see what we come up with. I was feeling strong on it being a male due to the extreme growth rate.
Well that question is the one i cant get an answer to. I have searched this whole site and you wont find the correct answer. One will say jowls will start at a year old, The next will say at three years and the other will say in a matter of months. Also i read on here that buttons/spurs show up at 15 to 20 inchs then the next thread you will see it says around 3 feet but sometimes two feet. Back to the jowls and spurs some say it depends on if the animal hybernated on when these things appear. Also some say jowls are a sign of sexual maturity, i was told my tegu should be getting jowls if it were a male but my teg is only 4 maybe 5 months old so, so far i dont think anybody knows the correct answer. And i also feel that each animal will have its own time frame when to develope certain things. Just like in humans we all dont start puberty at the same time so my conclusion is we have to set and wait to see.
Thats a real nice pic but people will need a pic of the vent and a pic of the head from above to search for spurs and jowls. real good clear pic though.
This thread has helped me confirme that my tegu is a girl. I measured her and checked her vent for buttons but so far nothing. And at 23", I think it's safe to say so too.