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I have a very grumpy little guy today. I dk if its the weather (it's been pouring all day) or bc we moved buildings. He ate still so I don't think he is too stressed. He ate one shrimp but isn't too big of a fan bc he didn't want another (they are large I have to halve them at least) and he had some fuzzies and dubia
Mine too... Even Raptor is a grump and she's usually so fun. Neither were too interested in food today either. :/ I am about to turn the heat up a little in the apartment. I think it's lowering ambient temps a little
I've only gotten one in Donatello as well. I'm gonna go get nasty crickets tomorrow and some supers for Raptor
He's shedding! I just noticed! His front right foot looked like it was shedding so I soaked him and one little rub on it and the whole leg part came off lol.
I'm sure he is fine, I know you know your stuff . Do you put him in after the water is in or run it with him in there? It changes the whole game for Donatello if the water turns on lol. [attachment=5367]