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..erm..I thought this was about Tegus....

roastedspleen said:
im christian and i have never attempted to bother someone unless they were interested. it offends me to a point when you act like all christians are the same.

I didnt act like they were all the same or even bring it up? o_O if i did i apologize and didnt mean to come off in such a manner? im answering lots of post responses, and btw i think you posted on here too i was fixing to read it but i was gonna say thank you for being who you are an treating me nice in one of your previous posts.
frost said:
i agree with them,nothing to worry about prolly. i dont think anyone on here is going to judge you like that.i mean i got a mouth on me and none has really gave much of a fus about me lol.

haha we all have mouths on us in one way or anther :)
Little Wise Owl said:
I imagine it was just a random spammer. Like sometimes how we get someone on here trying to sell shoes or Viagra. lol

I would ignore it UNLESS it was a member of the forum who posts frequently. Then that person should be reported.
ya probably or someone trying to just pull a prank i hope.


meh people were just saying all christians are the same and stuff like that and whoever got religious on you was probably a mormon or jehovahs witness
roastedspleen said:
meh people were just saying all christians are the same and stuff like that and whoever got religious on you was probably a mormon or jehovahs witness

meh? meh meh meh meh :D meh meh meh!!!!! XD ya they probably were :eek: or a prankster or someone who didnt like me for one reason or anther. or jus ta over achiever do gooder. either way im okay now after today :D go read my testamonial thread and youll know why :D

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