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Florida tegu ban


Active Member
And what really sucks is they've added like 5 more bills that also include banning tegus and green iguanas that have nothing to do with it. One bill sb1414 is a bill for a free fishing day but at the end of the bill states also to ban tegus and iguanas. And they've all passed with no opposition. Definitely seems a little fishy.


New Member
That happens a lot, it seems. Add on multiple random things into a single bill. The more confusing, the less likely someone will notice is my guess as to why.

Agreed, it is fishy. It is likely someone really dislikes Tegus and Iguanas. I can certainly understand the iguanas. They're everywhere and so destructive. There were hundreds around our house 25 years ago. But, I have no idea why would be lumping them into the same category as iguanas.

That really does suck. Especially since many(most?) breeders are based out of FL. All of them are going to have their livelyhood ripped away in an instant.

Shame I don't live in FL anymore. I would be there speaking too.
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Active Member
There's a lot of breeders that's for sure. And again I hate to be the pessimist here but talking to those who aren't willing to listen is kind of a waste of breath. The government is taking control and unfortunately a fair majority of the US population seems to want it that way.


New Member
You know, while that is definitely pessimistic, there is truth to it. Especially many citizens wanting it that way. I don't believe it is the vast majority but, I do believe it is the vast majority of voters(only like 1/3 of the citizens in the US vote).. I could get into an entire multi-page philosophical discussion about why those people blindly follow others and even lick their boot heals while that person is duping and using them but, I don't think this is the place for it.

I will just say that those same blindly following people truly believe the only thing stopping a bad person from doing something bad, is a rule/law. They believe criminals will wake up, see the new law, and decide to stop being a criminal. So, to them, they need to get as many laws passed as possible. As soon as they do, the criminals will stop and everything will be rainbows and sunshine.

Truth is, most people are inherently good and know kindness and compassion even as infants. Just read something this morning about babies giving away food to starving friends, even when they're starving themselves. Google "Babies giving way food when hungry". It will be the top thing that comes up... But, there is a flip side to that. Babies that are selfish and less kind to others, never stop being that way. No amount of punishment, rules, laws, change their behavior. The fear of punishment does not hinder them at all. Rules and laws only hinder those willing to follow them and, those are the same kind and caring people who were doing the right thing before the law... I mean, there are already laws in Florida that prohibit the release of nonnative species and that didn't stop hundreds of pets being released. This new one won't stop it either.

However, like you said, you really can't convince those who don't want to change. You can't reason with an unreasonable person....

Anyways, I truly hope something good can from the ban attempt. Some sort of awesome middle ground that helps Florida, the owners, and the Tegus.


Active Member
So I guess just an update for everyone who doesn't already know. As of now tegus and iguanas will be banned for future ownership but you will be grandfathered in if you already have one. Breeders and trappers will still be able to do business just no sales in Florida. And I think USARK is working on keeping the conditional species and not banning everything permanently.


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