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Florida tegu ban


Active Member
There are also unscrupulous vendors that intentionally release them for future harvest. Also ones that dump the dead and dying outside from an import, except some rally and establish.

What agravates this is a commercial attitude that the animals we buy are just a commodity, like a shirt, with no care or sense of consequences.
Yes you are very right unfortunately. Not all people have good intentions. As in every case those that are responsible and do things legally always get pushed aside by the actions of the few that don't.


I actually bought mine that was bred In the state of Pennsylvania and then shipped to Colorado because I was worried that it might have been bred in a farm and have parasites it did cost more because you can't just breed them outside but it was worth it because he's a house pet
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The thing about wild tegus is that MOST not all of them came from a couple of farms that was destroyed by a hurricane and got loose and that's how they got a population going I think that maybe they should have just made a ban on breading them but anyways I hope that you can just grandfather them good luck I hope that all goes well
Yes, I’ve heard that it didn’t naturally occur, which is why I am the most nervous, because it was most likely a humans fault and it got out of hand.


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The south Florida colony is traced to a dealer who ran afoul of the law, released his stock and took off. The central Fl. colony is independant.


The south Florida colony is traced to a dealer who ran afoul of the law, released his stock and took off. The central Fl. colony is independant.
This is the story I was told but I didn’t have any sources so I wasn’t sure. Didn’t want to spread false information. Unfortunately I’m pretty close to the problem areas. Maybe less than an hour away from the Everglades. Very unfortunate


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Tegus are extremely abundant there despite intense trapping. They prey upon a wide range of native animals, including alligator eggs.


Tegus are extremely abundant there despite intense trapping. They prey upon a wide range of native animals, including alligator eggs.
I agree that they are hurting our ecosystem. They are deffinately a problem but I believe it would be a bigger problem if they ban all possession of tegus, including owners. I know a couple people with their license to capture and sell and I’ve seen their personal inventory of the tegus they intend to sell and if it comes down to banning all tegus, those tegus would most likely be released back into the wild, creating a bigger problem. I was also told that the ban was only passed through one house, but hasn’t been approved by the fwc yet, but it was from word of mouth so I’m not so sure if it’s true or not

Yvonne G

5 Year Member
Clovis, CA
I was hoping this would be the case, because we have had a ton of costumers here buying tegus as pets through places like repticon and others. It almost seems like tegus became extremely popular within the last year in my area (in my opinion). My question would be, how would they know if you were grandfathered in or not without proof? I have printed out the class lll permit for personal use, and the questions asked on the paperwork was proof of purchase, and I have no proof of where I bought my tegus, because they were legal at the time. Every article I have read so far hasn’t mentioned what will happen to the people who already own them.
You would have to have some sort of proof, a picture with a family member, a receipt, etc. But this would only come into play if Fish and Wildlife had some reason to come to you. They're much too busy to be making random spot checks.


You would have to have some sort of proof, a picture with a family member, a receipt, etc. But this would only come into play if Fish and Wildlife had some reason to come to you. They're much too busy to be making random spot checks.
I have dated photos, that’s it :/


Active Member
I only have photos myself. But I think with the date it should be good enough to prove you had it before the ban. It's hard to have a picture of something u don't have right.


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Well, honesty's the best policy. Make an honest effort and see how it goes.

I hope FWCC provides straightforward information on what is expected of pre-ban owners. Would set a good example for future bans of invasive species.


I only have photos myself. But I think with the date it should be good enough to prove you had it before the ban. It's hard to have a picture of something u don't have right.
Whatever I’ve read online says something along the lines of before 2010 would be grandfathered in, but also, I talked to someone who said that it hasn’t completely passed yet, because it involves the fwc to make the ultimate decision so there still may be hope, but I am not sure if he is correct or not. I can’t seem to find anything online that states that it is 100% passed or not


Active Member
Whatever I’ve read online says something along the lines of before 2010 would be grandfathered in, but also, I talked to someone who said that it hasn’t completely passed yet, because it involves the fwc to make the ultimate decision so there still may be hope, but I am not sure if he is correct or not. I can’t seem to find anything online that states that it is 100% passed or not
I don't know for sure but in my opinion I don't see how they can go back that far. Pre-ban just means before the ban. I know it's in a different category but even with machine guns pre-ban is anything before the day it was banned may something of 1986 I don't recall the actual day. I just don't see how they can ban something and then say well you needed to have possession of said banned object 10 years before we banned it.


New Member
The tegu ban was passed in Florida (where I live) and I have been researching what I can do to keep my 3 tegus that I have. The ban will be in effect on July 1st, so I have a little bit of time, but i was reading that I can send in an application for a class lll wildlife permit, which hopefully I can legally keep my tegus. I haven’t found too much more info on the situation, so I’m interested in anyone having a clue of what’s going on. My ultimate goal is to keep my pets and make sure they are safe. Any info or advice is appreciated

The ban hasn't been passed yet. There are still two meetings to go through, which means we still have time to stop it. Sign petitions, call/write your representatives.

There is time!


I don't know for sure but in my opinion I don't see how they can go back that far. Pre-ban just means before the ban. I know it's in a different category but even with machine guns pre-ban is anything before the day it was banned may something of 1986 I don't recall the actual day. I just don't see how they can ban something and then say well you needed to have possession of said banned object 10 years before we banned it.
Right!? Because I don’t have a 9 year old tegu, means that I can keep my pets


It's all a conspiracy for governments / rich and powerful to use as a tool to track and register the common people.........HAHA
Yeah I was told that the governments can’t do **** about wild life. It’s the fwc who would make those decisions and there is not only one way to solve this issue. There are better ways to go about this. One of the main reasons why they want to ban the green iguana are because they are damaging people’s property...


The ban hasn't been passed yet. There are still two meetings to go through, which means we still have time to stop it. Sign petitions, call/write your representatives.

There is time!
I’ve signed the petition for change.org so far. They are up to maybe 6,000 signatures. I’ll keep looking for more

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