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Ok so I know what all the care sheets say to feed your tegu but I'm wondering what you feed your tegu that I wouldn't find on a care sheet or anything else


I think everything that people feed their tegus you can find on a caresheet or by searching the forums. There are tons of threads about diet and general care on here, it's awesome!


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5 Year Member
Just about any kind of meat. You could feed it a hamster or a couple anoles. An older member would feed his tegu some cichlids he bred. Guru wont eat any veggies but he loves various fruits.


Active Member
I get most of my staples from hare-today, I try to always give him a huge variety of meats but his favorite by far is rabbit. It also isn't too expensive, it is very lean, and high in B3.

I try to offer him new foods and treats weekly - Some foods he loves, some he flips on the floor intentionally.

Here are the non staples that he loves-
Apple Snails - His favorite food right now, available frozen at the Asian market
Frog Legs - A bit expensive but a nice treat
Quail Eggs - Also available at the Asian market for cheap
Mandarin Oranges - Not technically something he's supposed to have but I share a slice with him once in a great while as a treat and he goes nuts for it
Blueberries - One of the only fruits he likes - will only eat them F/T
Hornworms - Kinda a pain to buy but he loves them (Don't feed Wild caught - can be toxic)
Earthworms - Drop in cage, close the door fast. These are a huge mess.


Loki loves dried fish treats. They also are healthy, non-filling, and awesome for training and such.


zoo med has a tegu diet i was just wondering if anyone has tried that and what they think of it i was considering picking some up at the next show i attend


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1,000+ Post Club
bfb345 said:
zoo med has a tegu diet i was just wondering if anyone has tried that and what they think of it i was considering picking some up at the next show i attend

If I remember correctly, that stuff is canned low protein crap. You can get fresh food cheaper anyway.


Dubya said:
bfb345 said:
zoo med has a tegu diet i was just wondering if anyone has tried that and what they think of it i was considering picking some up at the next show i attend

If I remember correctly, that stuff is canned low protein crap. You can get fresh food cheaper anyway.

yeah i was wondering because i saw it in there magazine thing and was just wondering thanks

iiLOVExTEGUS said:
What about live fish

i know that you can feed other monitors such as savannahs feeder goldfish from the pet store but not sure about tegus fish oil is super good for them so i imagine fish is lol


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1,000+ Post Club
I remember from my fish keeping days that using too much goldfish and other cyprinids as feeders causes problems from a chemical that they contain. I can't remember that chemical right now.


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5 Year Member
Feeder goldfish are terrible for any reptile, never feed them to a tegu or monitor. They would be better off not eating. Once again this comes down to why do new members try to recreate the wheel. Feed what is known to work and quit making things more difficult than they need to be.


james.w said:
Feeder goldfish are terrible for any reptile, never feed them to a tegu or monitor. They would be better off not eating. Once again this comes down to why do new members try to recreate the wheel. Feed what is known to work and quit making things more difficult than they need to be.

feeder goldfish are a recomended food for savannah monitors not a staple but as a every now and then treat dont know why you have to be so blunt about it and just because my title says junior member doesnt mean i dont know what im talking about you dont have to be a d@#$ about it


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
Re: RE: Food?

bfb345 said:
james.w said:
Feeder goldfish are terrible for any reptile, never feed them to a tegu or monitor. They would be better off not eating. Once again this comes down to why do new members try to recreate the wheel. Feed what is known to work and quit making things more difficult than they need to be.

feeder goldfish are a recomended food for savannah monitors not a staple but as a every now and then treat dont know why you have to be so blunt about it and just because my title says junior member doesnt mean i dont know what im talking about you dont have to be a d@#$ about it

Na he not being mean james is just like that man but I say feeders r bad too because u don't know if they have bacteria or anything always go wit fresh fish

from Samsung Galaxy S3


chitodadon said:
bfb345 said:
james.w said:
Feeder goldfish are terrible for any reptile, never feed them to a tegu or monitor. They would be better off not eating. Once again this comes down to why do new members try to recreate the wheel. Feed what is known to work and quit making things more difficult than they need to be.

feeder goldfish are a recomended food for savannah monitors not a staple but as a every now and then treat dont know why you have to be so blunt about it and just because my title says junior member doesnt mean i dont know what im talking about you dont have to be a d@#$ about it

Na he not being mean james is just like that man but I say feeders r bad too because u don't know if they have bacteria or anything always go wit fresh fish

from Samsung Galaxy S3

i dont mean like frozen goldfish i mean fresh out of the tank at the petstore to the plastic to your reptiles mouth


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5 Year Member
My apologies if it came across as rude, it wasn't meant to be that way. Goldfish are a useless feeder and can cause vitamin deficiencies.

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