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Getting a rhino iggy next week!


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Well Im sending my deposit to Rob Erhig tomorrow. So next week I should be getting a yearling rhino iggy. As soon as I get him I will post some pics.


5 Year Member
Hmm... does he have blue rock iguana hybrids? .. or a website? Searched for him for a while now.


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Beasty said:
Hmm... does he have blue rock iguana hybrids? .. or a website? Searched for him for a while now.

Beasty, I dont know what he has exactlybesides rhinos but I know he has live 60 of his own animals. He doesnt have a website but heres his number. Rob Ehrig 305-872-9811


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A great choice! The best thing you can do with young cyclura is to consistantly spend time with them on a regular schedule. This will pretty much insure a socially stable animal. I've read that rhinos can be more on the aggressive side than other rock iguanas, but I really think it depends on genetics and individual personalities. I hope you post some pics soon!


5 Year Member
Have any pix of your blue? Where'd ya get it and how big, what sex is it? :?: Washington isn't that far from Utah. :idea:
I took the slow approach with mine and "he's" a spastic in the cage. Like I'd eat a $400 lizard! :chin hmm... No, but really he's cool out of the cage for the most part.(getting him out, I've had Nile's be calmer!) I do need to spend a bit more time with him though.


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I have a 9 month old rhino, who we named "Xan". My b/f got the lil buggar when we were at the Daytona NRBE - I believe Xan is an Ehrig baby.

John Binns helped me with her new setup (which I will put together within a month), and am awaiting for a PDF of the diet he wrote up for rhinos (or was it cyclura in general?).

I spend daily interactions with "her"; her current tempermant is so chilled (hence the name..short for Xanax) which I'm hoping will continue to old thru her young growth years. She's an inquisitive lil iguana and appears to recognize me. Eats like a horse too!


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Hey Beasty,

My blue is going to be two on October 2nd. I pretty much handled her every day for a minimum of 15 minutes a session, slowly introducing her to different areas of the house. She freaked out just about every time I tried to take her out, but calmed down after I got her out. Sometime in February I reached in to pick her up and she didn't even flinch and hasn't since. Often times moving slowly to pick them up doesn't work too well when they're so young.You have to let them know that you're the boss without hurting them or scaring the hell out of them. I think that talking to them alot also helps them bond with you. My girl knows my voice without seeing me, if I stand outside the reptile room and call out, I can hear her move around in her enclosure. Anyway, she's become a real sweetheart and seems to enjoy human interaction.

I will post pics as soon as I can figure out how. I tried to before but failed. We got our girl from David Blair as a yearling. He's a really nice guy and would recommend him to anyone.


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desiree said:
John Binns helped me with her new setup (which I will put together within a month), and am awaiting for a PDF of the diet he wrote up for rhinos (or was it cyclura in general?).
Could you share the info?? I've got a 2 year old Cuban Rock Iguana. She's about 2 feet long and I'd like to build a 8ft x 4ft enclosure for her very soon.


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these are mine cuban is on bottom not to good of a pic of him when he comes back in ill take new ones, i finally got pics to work....... ill post pics of cages later this week but i keep cuban in a 6ft x3.5 x3.5 ft cage.


5 Year Member
Awesome pix! Nice to find some fellow cyclura keepers.
I got my lil' blue from David Blair as well. We'll be celebrating his 1st birthday here very soon. "He's" from Big Blue and Mrs. Blue, Blair's biggest and bluest. I can't wait till my little guy is as magnificent as his dad! Just hope he chills down for me a bit seeing he's gonna be HUGE! I'm still working on him. Thanks for the pointers, I'll have to keep that in mind.
I was hoping to find another bloodline from Ehrig in the blues to get a mate for him but I'm not sure I could stand to house everybody indoors and I can't put them outside here in Utah. Oh well, I fear my "potato chip" bag is nearing empty,(CAN'T have just ONE!) to be fair in housing all my critters. LOL! I need to move back to Florida and find a farm house in the country. :-D


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desiree said:
I have a 9 month old rhino, who we named "Xan". My b/f got the lil buggar when we were at the Daytona NRBE - I believe Xan is an Ehrig baby.

John Binns helped me with her new setup (which I will put together within a month), and am awaiting for a PDF of the diet he wrote up for rhinos (or was it cyclura in general?).

I spend daily interactions with "her"; her current tempermant is so chilled (hence the name..short for Xanax) which I'm hoping will continue to old thru her young growth years. She's an inquisitive lil iguana and appears to recognize me. Eats like a horse too!

Hey Desiree, Im guessing if your iggy is from rob ehrig then it was a 2007 hatchling. Hows the temperment on him?


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wow Argus !

You have some beauties! I'm curious about the interactions between the different species. Are they exposed to each other on a regular basis? Do they display envious behavior ( during feeding and human interaction) Sorry, I'm sure it's weird to most people that I ask this stuff, but I find it interesting;


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well i do not keep them together.yet. but im in the process of building a room sized cage for the rhinos and with that i may start bringing the cuban into the cage slowly. i have a friend who keeps 4 rhinos 2 cubans and 3 green iguanas all together in a 16ft x 12ft cage and they all get along fine. the rhinos dont seem to be bothered by the others and do not see them as a threat. i have seen rhinos and cubans together many times all pilled on top of each other under a heat light. ill let u know how it goes. the 2 rhinos i have get along great and seem sad when apart, the female does not come out of the house and barlely eats when seperated from the male and the male gets real angry and attacks everything when not with female, happens every time. the are truly bonded.


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Hey argus,

I was considering going with another cyclura (different species) to keep my blue hybrid company. She is probably going to outgrow her current enclosure in a year or so and we will dedicate a bedroom to her which would leave plenty of space for an additional cyclura. Unfortunatly she shows no indication of accepting the tegu as a friend. She puts on a really entertaining display when I take the tegu out! Please keep us posted on how it goes with yours. I'm really interested.

Thanks much for the response!

MMRR - jif

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My adult male Cyclura will not tolerate other Cyclura species in their territory. They will live in harmony with larger male green iguanas. It took me a couple of years just to get 3 Rhinos to coexist as a trio. I'd never try to keep different Cyclura species as a group here.





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what about a mate for the blue when u use the room? my male is pretty mellow and my female is great so ill let u know how it goes, ill hope for the best. im not really into mixing species but this new cage/ room im using i figure i have to try. plus it will be one less cage to clean. look at pics on kingsnake ull see lots of rhinos and cubans together of all differnt sizes.

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