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HELP! What's wrong with this picture?


5 Year Member
All_American said:
I would have an Xray done and diagnosis off that first hand.
I hear you. I would totally do that BUT my funds situation being what it is, I'm not going to have us ALL be homeless over getting her seen by a vet. It's THAT tight, unfortunately.
Now, if you personally know a vet for herps here in Utah that will work for free movie tickets, let me know.
In light of such, she's eating, basking and getting D3 once a week now. I'm hoping that will do the trick. If not, I dunno.


New Member
5 Year Member
Hey bro, we took our cat to the vet today for some shots and stuff, and I asked a few questions on my tegu... He told me temps were to low. yeah well thats not the case lol my temps are 109-112 basking with an 78 cool side.... it great shes eating man.. Personally I think she will pull through just fine as mine did. my vets around here are morons so that could explain alot of it... I apologize for not knowing the exact reason to tell you why it is like that but like I said... Sadie's is almost gone completley, and shes eating like a horse, so it may be something that just needs to be outgrown but can't say for sure. Just take good care of her and hope for the best. good luck!


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5 Year Member
I wish I could help more guys, but I have never had one do this. However, I don't think it is MBD, it just don't look like it to me.


5 Year Member
She got a belly full of beef liver today! I dusted it with Nekton-Rep and NutriBACdf which is a pro biotic designed for reptiles "stimulating appetite lost due to effects of stress of moving, poor diet, hostile cage mates, or low level of disease." I had that from a previous local purchase of another tegu and Nekton-Rep I have used for many years as it's some of the best multi-vitamin on the market.
She also had a soak today and consequent bowel movement so the extra attention is paying off. Within the next day or two she will have completely shed and I'll do another photo shoot of her to show growth progress.
I wish i had the money to get an X-ray but she seems to be doing incredibly well IF it's a broken back.


5 Year Member
Re: HELP! What's wrong with this picture? UPDATE!

"She" is eating like a tegu should now and growing and moving just fine.
I say "she" because at one point when she was having problems and was a bit thinner I could have sworn I saw buttons! Now I can't get her to sit still long enough to discern whether or not I can see them now. The mate doesn't seem to have buttons, that I can tell at least.
At any rate, the lump is all but gone and is almost completely unnoticeable unless you know to look for it by rubbing down the spine. Here's a couple pix from yesterday:




Feisty as ever, it offered to bite during the shoot. Normally they don't even open their mouths but upon impact of the sun hitting their skin they both were ready to fight. Crazy critters!

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