My tegu looks like he is bloated, or has eaten a very large meal, except for the last couple of days he doesn't seem to take interest in food at all, this has been going on for about 4 days. He will eat a small amount, then none the next day. He has been sleeping a lot too, doesn't come out to bask, eat, anything, i have to physically wake him up. 3 days ago i noticed that he had a slight tremor in his head, like he couldn't hold it up, then a minute later one of his legs was shaking for a couple of seconds. This is the first time i've seen this and not since. Also, he was eating pieces of his shed that i hadn't picked from the tank yet. He's an 8 month old columbian, 16 inches long, just finished shedding, and i have him in a 30 gallon critter cage. Dimensions are 36 by 18 by 12. Basking temp is normally between 95 or 100, sometimes higher, ambient stays around 84, cool side 75, i keep fairly high humidity. Normally i feed him feeder fish, crickets, cockroaches, and mealworms, he sometimes gets eggs or chicken, about 80 percent of it supplemented with calcium or vitamins. He usually eats voraciously, with the appetite of a bottomless pit. I'm using a 100 watt powersun for uv and daytime heat, then a nocturnal heat lamp for night. The bulbs are 10 inches from the highest point of the basking spot and about 12 from the lowest. Does anyone know what might be wrong?