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Ya... like i said earlier my room is usually pretty cold. Its in the basement. I can cool the temps though, i usually have a blanket on half the screen as well and if i take that off it'll cool it 2 or 3 degrees, should i do that? Also, reading back over my posts, i'd like to apologize if any of them came off with a smart ass tone. This is the first reptile where i have been the only caretaker, i helped a lot with my aunts beardie, my cousins leopard geckoes, and my dads corn snake. This has been one big learning process and getting into this i've realized their mistakes and didn't want to make them. My aunt didn't have any sort of temp gauge, only a single heat bulb for a 55 gallon, no uv lights, and she fed the beardie in her tank on calcisand, its no wonder the poor creature was always impacted and never moved, from her hot rock and weak bulb. Her tank was too cold. That was my worry, i didn't want to do that to my little guy, i absolutely adore him and want whats best, thats all. Thats why i've made sure the temps are *what i thought was* the perfect range for him. But if theres anything i'm doing wrong seriously correct me now, i know for a fact that you've got more experience than i.
Also, reading back over my posts, i'd like to apologize if any of them came off with a smart ass tone. This is the first reptile where i have been the only caretaker, i helped a lot with my aunts beardie, my cousins leopard geckoes, and my dads corn snake. This has been one big learning process and getting into this i've realized their mistakes and didn't want to make them. My aunt didn't have any sort of temp gauge, only a single heat bulb for a 55 gallon, no uv lights, and she fed the beardie in her tank on calcisand, its no wonder the poor creature was always impacted and never moved, from her hot rock and weak bulb. Her tank was too cold. That was my worry, i didn't want to do that to my little guy, i absolutely adore him and want whats best, thats all. Thats why i've made sure the temps are *what i thought was* the perfect range for him. But if theres anything i'm doing wrong seriously correct me now, i know for a fact that you've got more experience than i.
Update: I think James.w is right and my temperature gauge is screwy. I have stopped using the blanket I've been keeping on top of the tank and it doesn't seem to have negatively affected Jazz. However, now my thermometer is saying its actually gotten a few degrees warmer... I think its because I moved it right beneath the lamp and right next to the basking spot. Perhaps its not messed up and I had it in the wrong place to be accurate? Either way ambient hot side is now 85 ish without the blanket. And Jazz is doing just fine. Measured him a few days ago and he is now just over 18 inches and shedding, again. That's 2 and a half inches of growth in a month... eating 15 crickets and 3 super worms a day. Luckily, my local pet store owner has decided that is no longer cost effective for him to keep breeding and selling his Dubia roaches, so he's selling me his whole colony for real cheap. less than 2 months to get them steadied and I'll never have to deal with that damned cricket chirping all night long ever again. on another note Jazz has gotten very strong for his small size, I guess the 2 hours of free roaming exercise a day is paying off. And I'm almost certain its a boy. I think he's getting mini Colombian jowls and I think I felt his cloacal buttons a few days ago are they at the base of the tail, underneath and kind of closeish to his back legs? Anyways, point is he's doing very well. Sorry about the long post.
Get windshield glass for the doors. Super strong and not that expensive. get it from a place that replaces truck windshields. I am getting some for a cage I will be working on for a fellow member.
Most plywood is pine unless you get the more expensive hardwood ply. The pine ply is ok because the resins have been baked out during manufacturing.
I hadn't thought of windshield glass, but I guess it ll work. If he decides to take run at it it won't shatter and cut him and he might not get out if he does break it... great idea.