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I've noticed that Asami is acting a little slower, and there has been 3 days in the past week where she slept all day. Are anyone else's Gu's slowing down? :chin
Thats exactly what mines been doing lately.but most days he comes out again in the afternoon.I wouldnt worry about it. captive tegus probably arent as active as wild ones because they dont have to hunt or forage for food,most get their food handed to them every day.
Im finishing up an outdoor enclosure. whats yours like? hows that working out for you in charlotte nc. when do you bring yours in for the winter? or do you have it wired for heat?
Is it necessary for them to hibernate if you don't plan to breed them? Is there any way to prevent them from hibernating (ie photoperiod, heat, etc). I wonder if it would screw with their personality...
I dont think you can stop them from slowing down, but I dont think slowing down is the same as hybernation. mine hybernated last winter and he stayed asleep in a rubbermaid box full of cypress and dirt all winter.as for breeding goes it depends on who you ask but I think most people agree that b&w and reds need hybernation to breed.I think its also good for long term health.
yea i've been noticing the same thing with mine(different post) but i asked bobby if he knows whats going on and he nevr hinted towards hibernation...mine comes out rarely in the early morning it started to worry me until i saw mulch moving around
my GUs start to slow down in August. and start hibernating in sept. til April here. I move them to large rubbermaids filled with hay and leaves and keep the container in a basement where the temp. is 50-65 degrees. I mist them every few weeks.