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his first mouse ever!!!


New Member
Interesting discussion... There's obviously the Pros and Cons of both, but then it all comes down to owner preference at the end of the day.

If the Tegu is near enough adult size and has been owned or a decent amount of time, I couldn't see a drastic change in behavior from occasional live feeding, good exercise and keeps them stimulated...

Personally not a fan myself, with previous reptiles they've always seemed happy enough to stalk a locust around the viv and chase after them when they jump sky high in a bit for freedom.

This however; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g5gQUKTIFw I'm not in agreement with in the slightest ! You can clearly see the hamster getting well involved with it's teeth in a desperate bid for freedom. Where-as it may have been entertaining for the owner; it won't be for either the hamster or the Tegu with it's new extra nose holes.

Rant over. Love from over the pond.


johnlebel said:
Not worried at all... he feeds in different tank an is not aggressive in anyway... he was very interested in a live one anyways.... plus it is a wild animal he has the instinct he wouldn't eat prekill in the wild.... an he is almost full grown now

You have to check out the ways tegus feed in the wild and they are not eating mice and rats trapped in a cage in the wild. They are opportunistic feeders . They scavenge on dead matter and eat massive amounts of veggies and fruit as adults in the wild although they will eat just about anything they can fit into their mouths.
I have lost a snake due to live feeding and that was it , and have a blind rescue from live feeding . And once the lizard is f8cked up they end up in a rescue because " who wants a messed up animal" as they say .
JUst watch your fingers dude. plus frozen thawed are always tons cheaper that picking live every week

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