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Impacted Tegu? please help!


5 Year Member
I am really happy for you and your Tegu. Surgery is hard on an animal. I have 3 Tegus. My big guy seems to have an appetite for Cypress mulch these days also. I was keeping him and my small female on a 50/50 mix of Eco-Earth and Cypress. He was having issues the last couple of days and almost completely stopped eating for 3 days and I noticed he had not had a BM in as many days. Yesterday when he was in the shower I noticed he had tried to go but he had something hanging out of him. I thought he was prolapsed. I tried to help him and noticed it was hard, I gave a slight tug and out came a piece of cypress. He is back to his old self by the afternoon. I am going to switch over to Eco-Earth since I can get 3 bricks for $5 from Petsolutions.com and that will cover a 3x4 foot area. My other male eats everything, rocks,dirt, plastic, I have to keep him on news paper. He was the one that needed surgery for being impacted.

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