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Is this a load of hooey? (PICTURES added)


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I would pass on the first place you talked to. I agree with most of the info people have given you about them. I can sort of see why they wouldn't "disclose breeder info" if they feel they would be losing business but at the same time you should have every right to know where your tegu came from and the conditions its been kept in.
I think that sexing is more of a guess when they are younger, some people that have been in the field probably have a better guess since they've been around so many little ones but its still a 50-50%.
I haven't heard of the second people you listed either but if you are interested still make sure youre asking every question you can think of, even if it seems dumb. Tegus aren't cheap and you want to make sure you're getting not only what you pay for but also what you want, hopefully its going to be with you a long time.
I also agree with the expo, if theres one soon you can check it out, you might not see any tegu breeders but there will probably be someone who can refer you to someone. I don't think I'll have any luck finding anything for you but I'll keep an eye out.


New Member
Hm, "Flippers"... That's not encouraging. I googled it and found a website, of sorts, but you need a username and password to get past the main page, so it definitely sounds like a distributor.

I would LOVE to go to a large expo, however, that's more than halfway across the country for me... That's why my hopes are lying with Sam at Squamata to talk to some breeders for me. Right now, he sounds more like a friend trying to do someone a favor, rather than a middleman whose only concern is profit. That's what I'm hoping, anyway...


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
It sounds like the second guy is trying to help you out as best he can. I'm sure you've already done it but try googling reviews for the place in ontario. You've still got a couple months before most of the tegus start hatching anyway. Keep in touch with the ontario guy and hopefully he is really trying to do a good thing.

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