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me & my boy chubbs (argentine b&w) 4 yrs old


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5 Year Member
Huh..... I thought your Tegu was a red. So, this is the Tegu I remember from 3 years ago then! AWESOME!
Man he is a tank now.

I think I still have the pictures from when you built his cage, and the Red Blood's cage.

Nice to see you are still around.
My wife Setsuki says hi. I am not sure if you remember her.


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Thanx Txrepgirl, I'd like 2. Yea, @ Herplings, he's a beast now. My dream is 2 build walk in cages for em. Maybe 1 day. I remember Setsuki, tell her i said hello.


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I take my girl to petsmart every once in awhile and man does she attract chicks, either the ones that work there or the ones that shop there. I used to use a harness for mine til the TAKE OFF factor was gone. now she is like a tortoise without a shell... but a little faster but no more dashing. You have a nice tegu Striggs, is that your ownly pet?


LOL. I guess that is the downside of being female and owning retiles - I do not attract any chicks :grno Not that I want to either, but even the guys are kinda scared of me since me being a reptile girl seems to be a very "scary thingy" :roll: The neighborhood kids do love to come around, though, since they think all my reptiles are soooo cool 8)
(They do think I am one weird mommy, too, but that is a totally different story. lol)


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Kingwolf, i've only seen Chubbs make a run 4 it once in his 4 yrs. Now he doesn't do more than a slow crawl. It's just easier to control him when i have him on my shoulder as we're walking through harlem or bronx, ny. Ya neva kno what might startle em or if he just wants 2 get off ur shoulder when ya least expect it. He's the only tegu i hav but i also hav a 5 yr old colombian redtail & a 4 yr old red blood python. Lol @ Durazell. if the guys r afraid then they're punks & those aren't the kinda dudes ya wanna attract anyway LOL. It's crazy walkn thru da streets of NY with a giant lizard in ya arms. ya hear some o' da funniest comments. Da funniest tho is when the person doesn't notice it until ur walkn right past them & they almost jump across da street lol


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striggs said:
Da funniest tho is when the person doesn't notice it until ur walkn right past them & they almost jump across da street lol
We've had that happen more than a few times. We had our big Red Tegu and our small dog at a Little League baseball game in front of the bleachers, just enjoying the sun. When we were getting our stuff the leave my wife picked up the Tegu and a woman climbed backwards out of her folding chair, "Get that thing away from meeeeeee!". It was quite funny! The Tegu never flinched. He was on a leash (just for show when they're in public) but he's never run.


I'll probably never get my Mother to even come near my tegu; she's TERRIFIED of reptiles. Doesn't mean I won't try though. ;)


New Member
That is so freaking awesome! He is so handsome. Its cool to see pics of big healthy gu's like that one! Congrats any tips for a newb like me getting my first Gu in august?


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5 Year Member
Thanx Brutus. 1 thing i'll tell you is to have patience. As far as your gu getting used 2 u & used 2 being handled. They have to trust you 1st. The more time you spend wit em the more they'll get acclimated. Feel free to ask the many gu experts here as you may already know. They'll b happy to help you out.

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