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Mega Ray UVB


5 Year Member
Arcata, CA
I think the MVB is a 160w powersun... i dont remember. it's getting close to the 8 month mark on that bulb and i've completely forgotten if it was 100w or 160...


New Member
I'm trying to find the best products to use for my future tegu's enclosure and depending on which are best, that's how the layout will go.

For the PowerSun, they say it can "project up to several feet". So, if my tegu will be living in a 6-foot area, does that require only one 160-watt PowerSun at the basking area, angled towards the cool end, and that will provide enough UVB throughout the enclosure? Or will I need to mount two, one at each end, angled straight downwards? They produce heat, so I don't want the cool end to be too warm. How many watts would you suggest for a second basking bulb (infrared), along with the PowerSun, if mounted approximately 16" away to get the desired temp of 110F?

Sorry for all the clumped-together questions, guys. ^^;;


New Member
I believe all manufactures of MV bulbs say the bulb need to be straight down. My suggestion is to buy the 160 watt bulb and see what temps you get thru out the cage. You might not need a second heat source if the enclosure is indoors. Another factor that will effect temp in the enclosure is how much ventilation. If the top of the cage is wire screening, heat loss with be dramatic... no ventilation holes in a wood cage with a glass front will overheat the tegu... see where your enclosure is at first with the temp on both sides than make adjustments with the height of the basking area and/or add/reducing the heat loss thru the vents.


james.w said:
got10 said:
I have been using these bulbs since they first came out. I live them . And since I have lots of time invested in my animals thats the only bulb I use I really like the fact that i only ned to use one bulb for heat and like . Just like the sun

Which bulbs do you use and for what animals?

I use the 160 what bulbs in my large tegu cages and the lower wattage bulbs in my bearded dragon cages

2.4.2 argentine tegus
2.2 bearded dragons
1.1 gulf coast box turtles
3.8.2 crested geckos
1.1 leos
0.0.1 hognose
0.1 savanah
hisser colony
dubia colony
Moofins said:
I'm trying to find the best products to use for my future tegu's enclosure and depending on which are best, that's how the layout will go.

For the PowerSun, they say it can "project up to several feet". So, if my tegu will be living in a 6-foot area, does that require only one 160-watt PowerSun at the basking area, angled towards the cool end, and that will provide enough UVB throughout the enclosure? Or will I need to mount two, one at each end, angled straight downwards? They produce heat, so I don't want the cool end to be too warm. How many watts would you suggest for a second basking bulb (infrared), along with the PowerSun, if mounted approximately 16" away to get the desired temp of 110F?

Sorry for all the clumped-together questions, guys. ^^;;

Do not angle the lense . Keep it straight down . for two reasons
1. those bulbs generate in immense amount of heat and angleing it will cause it to be strained and burnout from the neck of the bulb(fire hazrd mercury in your lungs)
2. the animals can develope cunjuctive keratonis from looking into the lamp and be blinded.
( im not sure if i spelled that right or not


New Member
I love the Mega ray bulbs. However they always seem to be out of stock and it can be quite sometime to get them.

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