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My Beautiful New Blue!


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So a quick update on Brandy, because DaveDragon showed interest in the picture of him in my icon. He's just as crazy as he always was, and the sweetest animal on the face of the planet. Took pictures of him yesterday. I have been calling him a male because it's just hard to look at those cheeks and say I thought he was a female at one time XD. I never got him ultrasounded and I know you shouldn't probe tegus, so when it comes down to it, I'm just leaving it as it is.

So here are a few pictures I took of him yesterday. He's about 44" in length: a big bluey!




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5 Year Member
DaveDragon said:
Looks male to me!! He looks like a huge version of our mini-female Blue (26").

Yea I've met your little blue girl. She was just so cute I wanted to take her home with me! But your wife wouldn't give her up :(


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Azaleah said:
DaveDragon said:
Looks male to me!! He looks like a huge version of our mini-female Blue (26").

Yea I've met your little blue girl. She was just so cute I wanted to take her home with me! But your wife wouldn't give her up :(
You met the 3.5ft male at the show. He is very friendly and doesn't seem to mind people handling him for 8 hours. The mini-female is no where near that good. She probably wasn't handled much. But the mother of the babies was about that bad and she's calmed down, but not as good as him.


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5 Year Member
DaveDragon said:
Azaleah said:
DaveDragon said:
Looks male to me!! He looks like a huge version of our mini-female Blue (26").

Yea I've met your little blue girl. She was just so cute I wanted to take her home with me! But your wife wouldn't give her up :(
You met the 3.5ft male at the show. He is very friendly and doesn't seem to mind people handling him for 8 hours. The mini-female is no where near that good. She probably wasn't handled much. But the mother of the babies was about that bad and she's calmed down, but not as good as him.

Oh. It was the mother of the babies I met. Or at least thats who you're wife said it was. She was teensy compared to my Brandy lol. Sorry for mixing them up, didn't realize that there were two females with you ::looks at signature and feels stupid::


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5 Year Member
Azaleah said:
DaveDragon said:
Azaleah said:
Yea I've met your little blue girl. She was just so cute I wanted to take her home with me! But your wife wouldn't give her up :(
You met the 3.5ft male at the show. He is very friendly and doesn't seem to mind people handling him for 8 hours. The mini-female is no where near that good. She probably wasn't handled much. But the mother of the babies was about that bad and she's calmed down, but not as good as him.

Oh. It was the mother of the babies I met. Or at least thats who you're wife said it was. She was teensy compared to my Brandy lol. Sorry for mixing them up, didn't realize that there were two females with you ::looks at signature and feels stupid::
No, we never take the females anywhere, especially to a show. A proven female breeder is too valuable. The male goes everywhere.

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