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My prego boa!


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5 Year Member
Sounds awesome! This is still a few years off (as I'll probably be applying to Florida State vet school and hauling a 7 foot snake cross country isn't exactly an easy thing to do) but I want to get a red tail as a starter big snake... Maybe a nice male sunglow or salmon. Do they tend to be fairly simple/rewarding to keep? For example, not picky eaters like balls or cancer prone like argentines?


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5 Year Member
oh yea... boas are wonderful, lol... I can hook you up with a nice boa as well :) Next year i will have my sharp sunglow litter ;) hehehe... They are very easy to care for... And they are a snake that you can grow with... Most of my 2 year olds are just hitting over the 4foot mark... I have one '08 that is over 5'... But she's just a BIG girl! O_O My boas are not aggressive at all or picky over food... I do have them on a winter fast right now by my choice... And they deff. have let me know that they are hungry, LOL... But I do that because I want my snakes be be lean and muscular, not fat... You don't HAVE to put them on a winter diet... But from Nov-Feb The appox 2 year olds + are on a 60 day feeding schedule... The young boas are on a 2 week schedule, lol... They are great snakes though and never refuse a meal and it's not that bad to house them... a male can live happily in a 4x2 and female in a 6x2


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5 Year Member
and I have never heard that argentines are prone to cancer o_O I have a pasteltine argentine x pastel cross... lol... But I have never heard of argies having any cancer issues....... o_O


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You know how I volunteer in that exotic vet clinic? We see quite a few tumor/cancerous abcess removals in argies, more so than in any other species of snake (I'm not quite sure why, but I'm sure Dr. Driggers could explain it to me) but it's still pretty rare. They're typically in the mouth or throat and require minor surgery, but are almost always removed completely. I think it's usually connected to poor husbandry and develops from stomatitis so I doubt you have anything to worry about.


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5 Year Member
that's really weird... It prolly is due to bad husbandry... I have never heard of that one any of the forums with responsible owners, LOL


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Since it's usually in the mouth or throat I think it's progressed stomatitis. With good husbandry though you shouldn't see any problems at all. It is pretty odd that that specific species is more susceptible to it.


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It's even worse with lizards, especially beardies... We see about two beardies a day that are extremely metabolic due to incorrect lighting.. It's really sad because it's not the lizard's fault they're in that much pain. At least we have the opportunity to help them though.

Anyway, when I have the space in a few years I'll come back to you for a redtail baby... What did you say you were expecting a litter of? Was it sunglows?


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5 Year Member
next year I will have some sharp strain albinos and sunglows. and hypo hets lol. then the year after I will have snows lol. then in 2012 I will be able to breed my paradox albino :D hehehe. I can't wait for that one!!


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5 Year Member
congrats on the new arivals that will be there soon. I too have my hypo het sunglow and snow locking up now and also a albino and snow locked up too. I'm planning on studding out my hypo male to someone this year for his group. He has proved out twice for me.


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5 Year Member
if your albino is het snow I would love to get a snow baby from you :) you going for triple hets with the hypo het and snow? I'll have a moonglow in trade with a friend next year ;) I deff. don't plan on paying for one hahaha. I spent enough on my paradox albino that is rarer then a moonglow. I can't justify paying the price of a moonlow after the dox haha


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I too wouldn't pay that for a moonglow. They don't show any fabulous trait from a snow. I wish my pied hypo boa was a dom trait and not a resessive gene. I could make $$$$ with him.


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Sakara said:
next year I will have some sharp strain albinos and sunglows. and hypo hets lol. then the year after I will have snows lol. then in 2012 I will be able to breed my paradox albino :D hehehe. I can't wait for that one!!

Oh man, those paradoxes are gonna look epic. I'll probably be interested in a sunglow or albino... Have you decided on prices yet?


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5 Year Member
not positive yet... I will cut forum members a deal on the sharps... I can tell you that on Kingsnake sharp albinos are about $700+ on the low end, lol... sharp sunglows are usually above $1k haha... I know the guy i got my sharp albino from was selling his '07 sharp albino females for $1400... lol.... I will hook you up though ;)


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Sakara said:
pied hypo? I have never heard of that... do you mean calico? pics?

You probably have never heard of it much, since they don't pop up much. People have been trying to get these to be a Dom trait. If you know what a pied ball python is, then you will know what a pied boa is, mine just happen to be a hypo boa that has a small white patch towards his tail.

You may see some being called pied boas that are usually when the boa has a defect in it, such as kinked spine or some abnormality of that sort. I will get a picture up when I get a chance to show you.

When my boas were born I almost missed this one and sold it, I thought it was calcium from waste stuck to its side.

I would love a sunglow some day myself. But really I have been pondering just working with my tegu's only after this next coming year? Time will tell I guess.

Mr. Ed


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5 Year Member
well if you decide to get out of boas I will take your snows LOL! The sunglows my sharp albino and hypo het male make should be stunners :D they are gorgeous snakes and better make some gorgeous babies! lol


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5 Year Member
I would love one of her babies (so long as not all of them are spoken for, and my boyfriend still wants one...)! Well, a female baby. I have a baby male, het albino coral, that needs a friend! ^_^ Well, the baby is actually my boyfriend's but he wants to breed him when he grows up.

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