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New baby golds


New Member
Bubblz Calhoun said:
With or with out cages we can all get a little complacent and mistakes happen.

Indeed. I really didn't think he'd be able to push passed the 2 zippers. I'm actually quite impressed that he could, and did. Now I know I have to keep them fastened via a lock so they can't be spread apart from the inside.

Depending on how far away the set up is from the door it may still be some where inside. As small as they are they can fit into just about anything anywhere.

Unfortunately, there isn't much he can hide in or under in this room, and the door was open enough for him to waltz right out, undetected.

If you haven't already I would close all the doors and windows. Turn off anything you can in the house to reduce the noise level and listen. Just in case he's still moving around somewhere.

Everything's been closed up and I've even left the UVB light on and outside of the enclosure hoping he might see it and go to it, assuming he was inside still - and that hasn't happened.

How active are they during the day and when was the last time he ate? If he has a full tummy he'll more than likely find some where to settle down for a day or so. Something that small can be hard to find unless he's actually moving around and making noise some where.

I hope he's still inside and you find him lounging some where and or he comes out on his own.

Me too, although I have my doubt's because I've checked every nook and cranny there is. My feeling is he went to the door, managed to go right under it and kept trucking.

I'm just glad the weather has been so nice here. I have high hopes for him if he made it outside because adapting seems to come easy to these hearty reptiles.

For all I know I'll catch him soaking up sun someday soon on my drive way - chances are if he got out he didn't run 10 miles away, I think he's holed up close by.


New Member
m3s4 said:
Bubblz Calhoun said:
With or with out cages we can all get a little complacent and mistakes happen.

Indeed. I really didn't think he'd be able to push passed the 2 zippers. I'm actually quite impressed that he could, and did. Now I know I have to keep them fastened via a lock so they can't be spread apart from the inside.

Depending on how far away the set up is from the door it may still be some where inside. As small as they are they can fit into just about anything anywhere.

Unfortunately, there isn't much he can hide in or under in this room, and the door was open enough for him to waltz right out, undetected.

If you haven't already I would close all the doors and windows. Turn off anything you can in the house to reduce the noise level and listen. Just in case he's still moving around somewhere.

Everything's been closed up and I've even left the UVB light on and outside of the enclosure hoping he might see it and go to it, assuming he was inside still - and that hasn't happened.

How active are they during the day and when was the last time he ate? If he has a full tummy he'll more than likely find some where to settle down for a day or so. Something that small can be hard to find unless he's actually moving around and making noise some where.

I hope he's still inside and you find him lounging some where and or he comes out on his own.

Me too, although I have my doubt's because I've checked every nook and cranny there is. My feeling is he went to the door, managed to go right under it and kept trucking.

I'm just glad the weather has been so nice here. I have high hopes for him if he made it outside because adapting seems to come easy to these hearty reptiles.

For all I know I'll catch him soaking up sun someday soon on my drive way - chances are if he got out he didn't run 10 miles away, I think he's holed up close by.
I once lost my tegu outside due to a careless mistake. Thankfully he predictably went to the first hiding place he found and after tearing apart the bushes we suspected him to be in, found him again 6 days later. So there is still hope that he hasn't gone far and you may find him. Check any hiding places in the immediate vicinity of your front door, he may be there. Unfortunately when my tegu hid we could be touching him and not know it because he wouldn't move a muscle or make a sound, so double or even triple check. I hope you find him!


New Member
AP27 said:
m3s4 said:
Bubblz Calhoun said:
With or with out cages we can all get a little complacent and mistakes happen.

Indeed. I really didn't think he'd be able to push passed the 2 zippers. I'm actually quite impressed that he could, and did. Now I know I have to keep them fastened via a lock so they can't be spread apart from the inside.

Depending on how far away the set up is from the door it may still be some where inside. As small as they are they can fit into just about anything anywhere.

Unfortunately, there isn't much he can hide in or under in this room, and the door was open enough for him to waltz right out, undetected.

If you haven't already I would close all the doors and windows. Turn off anything you can in the house to reduce the noise level and listen. Just in case he's still moving around somewhere.

Everything's been closed up and I've even left the UVB light on and outside of the enclosure hoping he might see it and go to it, assuming he was inside still - and that hasn't happened.

How active are they during the day and when was the last time he ate? If he has a full tummy he'll more than likely find some where to settle down for a day or so. Something that small can be hard to find unless he's actually moving around and making noise some where.

I hope he's still inside and you find him lounging some where and or he comes out on his own.

Me too, although I have my doubt's because I've checked every nook and cranny there is. My feeling is he went to the door, managed to go right under it and kept trucking.

I'm just glad the weather has been so nice here. I have high hopes for him if he made it outside because adapting seems to come easy to these hearty reptiles.

For all I know I'll catch him soaking up sun someday soon on my drive way - chances are if he got out he didn't run 10 miles away, I think he's holed up close by.
I once lost my tegu outside due to a careless mistake. Thankfully he predictably went to the first hiding place he found and after tearing apart the bushes we suspected him to be in, found him again 6 days later. So there is still hope that he hasn't gone far and you may find him. Check any hiding places in the immediate vicinity of your front door, he may be there. Unfortunately when my tegu hid we could be touching him and not know it because he wouldn't move a muscle or make a sound, so double or even triple check. I hope you find him!

Checking all the close spots daily...Thanks for the heads up, I hope we find him as well.


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5 Year Member
Do you really still not want to cage your tegus? I don't wanna come off wrong here but your system clearly ISN'T working. I would suggest a cage for nights. One with lockable doors. Preferably wooden.


New Member
Took Ally for a walk in the park today.

She's almost completed her shed.

If you look closely at her rear leg, you can see some shedding occuring, as well as her tail.

She was dragging her hands across the sidewalk after this pic, ridding herself of some loose skin on her toes. Was quite amusing to see her cruising along dragging her claws upside-down.


Also, in a interesting twist of fate...I stopped by our local reptile shop here in Colorado Springs to check on a Colombian tegu they've had for sale for some time now. The owner let me hold him right before I got the babies from LLLreptile.com. I absolutely thought he was kick ass.

Apparently, he's had a rough go of it.

The first owner gave him back to the shop because they said he was too aggressive.
The second owner turned him back in because he was too big and ate too much.
The third, potential owner, had a deposit on him and backed out last week.

So, yesterday, he found himself a new home with us.

He's in great shape, amazing coloration (black and white patterning - with some tan on his head and jowls along with whitish, almost clear nails)

He's extremely calm, so I'm a little suspect of the first owners assessment of his temperament. The guys down at the store were frequently picking him up and chillin' with him during work hours so he's totally used to being handled. He's really mellow.

Before buying him, the guys let us hand feed him 5 roaches outside of his cage.

He laid on my arm for 30 min last night and almost as long earlier today for his photo shoot.

Now if I can just find Zoomie.

Here's Tai:




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1,000+ Post Club
Tai looks great. Glad he found an owner who will love him like he deserves. Whenever I take Kodo into the backyard and put him on the patio table, he always crawls to the edge and tried to jump off. I need to get him an outdoor playpen or something. Oh, and I find your signature extremely amusing; made me laugh out loud and smile like the tegu who ate the canary the first time I read it.


New Member
What I practiced with Sam and Ally are two things:

First, I kept them in their nylon dog carriers whenever I took them outside for about a year - before i let them just free-roam. This way, they could see, hear and taste what was going on at all times. And because they knew they were inside their sleepers, they also knew they were safe in their "hide" if you will. They could observe everything with the full comfort of knowing nothing was going to harm them.

This way, they got used to life - and all the crazy sights, sounds and smells around them; cars, motorcycles, people on bikes riding by, all the talking, yelling, laughing etc...All of it, from the comfort of their homes, if you will.

Second, when I finally did let them free-roam outside, I'd let them bask outside when they were cold, (for obvious reasons) and of course, under my supervision at all times. They surprised me at first, they really did. They just chilled out and enjoyed being in the sun and I can honestly say, never gave me one problem. They were never leashed, and to this day, Ally is perfectly fine outside.

Here's a pic of Sam chillin with me on a park bench, very content - even when young kids came up later to check him out.


And with Ally:


Hope this helps those of you that want to let your tegus enjoy life outside of a home or their enclosure.

**My gf used to push Sam around in a dog stroller too, so...Yea...we did some a-typical things with him and I think he enjoyed every minute of it. That being said, one time we were walking him in his stroller and two old ladies came up expecting to see a baby - to their surprise they saw Sam. One of them made the remark that he was beautiful and aside from that, looked totally content and happy to which I couldn't agree more.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
This reminds me of something I have yet to see but would love to:). Which is a pic with at least one of every type of captive tegu in it. Like when you see photos of different types of Bp morphs together.


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1,000+ Post Club
You should use that for your Christmas card. A beautiful photo of some beautiful lizards. Not gonna lie, looking at this pic makes me wish I could give Ally big hug; she looks so sweet and cuddly.


New Member
dragonmetalhead said:
You should use that for your Christmas card. A beautiful photo of some beautiful lizards. Not gonna lie, looking at this pic makes me wish I could give Ally big hug; she looks so sweet and cuddly.

As a matter of fact, 3 years ago Karri and I sent out x-mas cards with a pic of Sam as the cover...So I must agree it's a great idea...I think we'll have to do that this year with this pic.

As for Ally, yea, she's awesome. I never thought a reptile would actually cuddle with you, but she does - for reals - as I'm sure many others do. As an example, if you lay down and set her on your chest, she'll walk up near your face, lick you a few times then lay her head by your neck - usually right next to your ear - it's her favorite position - at least I think it is.


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5 Year Member
They are all beautifull. Its weird, I never liked how golds looked before. But seeing so many peoples golds, and how aawesome they are, now I like them too.


New Member
Aardbark said:
They are all beautifull. Its weird, I never liked how golds looked before. But seeing so many peoples golds, and how aawesome they are, now I like them too.

Yea, golds can have great coloration. They have incredibly shiny, soft skin and very smooth scales.

Glad more and more people are beginning to appreciate Colombians and are willing to take the time to learn about them and work with them.

They get a bad rap but it's only partly their fault - a lot has to do with their accessibility the low cost associated with that and first-time tegu owners. It makes for a volatile combination that often ends up poorly for the tegu.

For those with experience, or those that just want a little challenge along the way, I highly suggest adding a Colombian to your collection.

They're feisty, active, alert, spontaneous, goofy, fast, agile, prone to get into trouble by just being curious, are often fearless and they're sometimes irritable and let you know it but "huffing".

That said, they're always down right awesome, and of all the tegus we get in the states, they're definitely my favorite.

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