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Rough day with Reptar :/


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1,000+ Post Club
I don't think anyone would advise digging him out. I was told not to. Also, I know some on the forum feed in the enclosure with no problems. I don't know specifically how columbian behaviors differ from argentines, but I read they do tend to burrow and hide more. I think your work schedule maybe isn't on 'his ' schedule and so you miss interaction, am I right? I wonder if maybe his 'daylight ' time could be adjusted to your 'at home ' time? I believe others on the forum have done this right? I'm not sure what thread it was on. Just some ideas. :)


I know its frowned upon to dig them out so i wont say you should do that but what about leaving out his food after you get home? Perhaps after a bit he'd come out looking for it later in the day. From the very beginning my guy has preferred to be under the slate in his cage rather than burrow so ill admit i used to just pick up the rock and take him out and in my opinion its done no damage as far as how he 'feels' about me. I felt it was necessary at the time and he knows feeding time is in the evening now and hes usually out.
As far as feeding in the cage, as some people have said, its totally up to you. My guy recognizes his food bowl and launches at it and ive had to yank my hand out of the way multiple times to avoid being bit. Hes not nearly so crazy when he goes in the tote so thats just what im sticking with.


New Member
As of now my guy doesn't react at all when I put food in the cage he doesn't even bat an eyelash . He even won't go after it for like 20 min then eventually he moves slowly over to the plate and eats. Still I would like to get him on a regular feeding schedule outside of his cage. The crappy part is that my work schedule always changes some times I work day shifts for a week then all of a sudden I will have night shifts. Tis the restaraunt life lol. Even on the days I don't have time to take him out I will make an effort to pet him and talk to him for awhile before I leave for work

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