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Show of Hands: Who's hatchlings are hibernating?


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the hatchling i got from bobby my arg. b&w tegu Sophi is sleeping for days at a time and only eats a mouse hopper once every few days because she refuses to eat anything else. My yearling Akira(got from a misc. source) is awake every day and out all day but she refuses to eat turkey also. My new extreme giant is a monster eat everything i put in her tank.


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5 Year Member
my baby red has been down for like a month now and havent seen a sign that she active. was thinking about digging her up to make sure she is fine. what do u think?


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5 Year Member
Angus is brumating i guess. I dont know why he wont go into hibernation. Does anyone know if there is any growth effect of not hibernating as far as potential size goes. Because if you have a slower and steadier grower that hibernates and then you the one that doesnt and is always growing. Simply, does growing faster give a biggger potential size or is the other way around( without starving your tegu or over feeding of course). Also, how might this effect longevity.


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5 Year Member
Pit NEVER dig up your tegu it will ruin all the trust it has in you and can make it very defensive/aggressive and you'll pretty much be starting from square one with it as far as taming will go


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5 Year Member
VenomVipe said:
Angus is brumating i guess. I dont know why he wont go into hibernation. Does anyone know if there is any growth effect of not hibernating as far as potential size goes. Because if you have a slower and steadier grower that hibernates and then you the one that doesnt and is always growing. Simply, does growing faster give a biggger potential size or is the other way around( without starving your tegu or over feeding of course). Also, how might this effect longevity.

from what i herd from bobby they both will reach
there adult size only the tegu that dosnt hibernate will get there first probably within their first year. but i dont think not hibernating would make them bigger in the long run . and as for longevity im not sure if it would effect them if they dont hibernate


5 Year Member
pitbulldc said:
my baby red has been down for like a month now and havent seen a sign that she active. was thinking about digging her up to make sure she is fine. what do u think?

I gently brushed the substrate around to turn it over to let moisture cycle. I had a general idea where she would be because it is her favorite place to burrow. Knowing this, i was extremely gentle moving substrate over there and she moved a little because i saw the substrate above her move. You could try that. It was satisfying to see the movement to know she was okay. It is scary with a new pet to hibernate and not know if they are okay or not. BTW, after she moved, she didn't move any more and just kept on sleeping :-D


Mr Critter

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5 Year Member
Charlie (July hatch)has been down for a couple mnths now,but i can hear him re-arranging & scratching inside his hide once in a while so i know he's OK.


5 Year Member
Update: My DoubleDip came out the other day for first time since hibernating. Not sure if she'll keep coming out or if it was just a one time thing. It was kinda my fault. I disturbed in when stirring the substrate. She came out about 30 minutes after that happened and basked for a little (I turned the UVB on for her). And she drank some water and crawled around a bit. She seemed tired and weak (as if she'd been sleeping for months ;-) Anyone else seen there hibernating tegus come out and say hi yet?


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