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Tegu and pool water

Dana C

I am reading a bit of hysteria here. If you take showers or baths in tap water, or if you drink tap water, if any of your family swims in pools, plays in the sprinklers and so on, you are in contact with chlorine if your water comes from a municipal source. A pool, properly chlorinated won't hurt you, your children or your Tegus.

Here is some interesting information about sources of chlorine, (Lennteck Water Treatment Solutions).
"Chlorine in the environment

In nature it is only found combined with other elements chiefly sodium in the form of common salt (NaCl), but also in carnallite, and sylvite. Chlorides make up much of the salt dissolved in the earth's oceans: about 1.9 % of the mass of seawater is chloride ions.

The amount of chloride in soils varies according to the distance from the sea. The average in top soils is about 10 ppm. Plants contain various amount of chlorine; it is an essential microutrient for higher plants where is concentrates in the chloroplasts. Growth suffers if the amount of chloride in the soil fall below 2 ppm, but it rarely happens. The upper limit of tolerance varies according to the crop.
Read more: http://www.lenntech.com/periodic/elements/cl.htm#ixzz1viv0weOV

Chlorine concentrations: (source Wikipedia,)
Chlorine is detectable with measuring devices in concentrations of as low as 0.2 parts per million (ppm), and by smell at 3 ppm. Coughing and vomiting may occur at 30 ppm and lung damage at 60 ppm. About 1000 ppm can be fatal after a few deep breaths of the gas.[24] Breathing lower concentrations can aggravate the respiratory system, and exposure to the gas can irritate the eyes.[55] The toxicity of chlorine comes from its oxidizing power. When chlorine is inhaled at concentrations above 30 ppm, it begins to react with water and cells, which change it into hydrochloric acid (HCl) and hypochlorous acid (HClO).
When used at specified levels for water disinfection, the reaction of chlorine with water is not a major concern for human health. However, other materials present in the water may generate disinfection by-products that can damage human health.[56][57]

Considering that proper swimming pool chorination should be between 1-2 ppm, it is not harmful to you Tegu or you.
a b Hammond, C. R. (2000). The Elements, in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 81st edition. CRC press. ISBN 0-8493-0481-4.

Did you expect compnerd7 to blindly accept your pronouncements on pool water without some indication that you actually did a little research?


Active Member
5 Year Member
However, it is quite possible that the tegu could ingest the chlorinated water in large amounts since his intention is to hang out on a bodyboard with the tegu. His chlorine level is not always at 1-2 ppm, but fluctuates up to 2.5 ppm in his past experience. This is not to say it wouldn't end well necessarily, but to me it isn't worth the risk of him ingesting possibly over-chlorinated water. There are also other possible negative outcomes from letting a tegu swim in a large pool. If you were chilling drinking beer and weren't paying close enough attention to your tegu, which could easily happen, and he was swimming, became tired, and couldn't find an exit to the pool that he could use he could definitely be in jeopardy. I simply don't think it's a good idea, although it is totally up to him what he does with his animal.

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