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Tegu questions


5 Year Member
Perhaps your movements were to quick and surprising for her at that time. It scared her, not knowing if you were going to eat her or what was happening. Just remember, slow/steady movements.


New Member
RamblinRose said:
Perhaps your movements were to quick and surprising for her at that time. It scared her, not knowing if you were going to eat her or what was happening. Just remember, slow/steady movements.

No I don't think it is that, I'm pretty calm around my snake and she never panics whereas Kiff on the other hand seems to be on a constant panic mode.

Actually I never posted pics of Murphy, here she is, she's about 4 foot long and is a South Carolina corn snake and is the most calm animal ever





She has a very "unique" pattern on her head, I won't say what it looks like to me but I am sure you can figure it out :D


Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
It happens,.. there will be good days or weeks as well as not so great ones. Just stick with it and she'll come around. It's part of the Colombian reputation that they usually take longer to come around than others.


New Member
I don't plan on giving up on her because I just never give up on an animal I just need some advice on ways to calm her down really because I also don't want her to be unhappy

As and aside why do some people have things like

10.3.0 Carpet Pythons
0.2.1 Green Tree Pythons
1.0.0 Tegu
2.2.0 Sphynx Cats

on their signature? I get that it probably means the amount of a specific animal but what does the X.X.X mean as in why are the "." there in between the numbers? basically what does "10.3.0 Carpet Pythons" mean? what does the "10.3.0" mean?


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
The numbers have to do with the sex of the animal. The first number is male, the second is female, the third is unsexed.


New Member
dragonmetalhead said:
The numbers have to do with the sex of the animal. The first number is male, the second is female, the third is unsexed.

Oh I see, god some people have a lot of pets on here, in some cases it would actually class as a small farm :D

james.w said:
Hey you stole my signature..

How big/old is your Tegu?

lol sorry wasn't trying to steal it I just needed one as a good example, seriously 13 snakes? do you own a petshop? :D

at the moment she is about 16 inches long and shes about 5 months old so is probably still a stroppy toddler in Tegu years lol


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I actually have 16 snakes, but no I don't have a shop. I plan on breeding in a year or two.


New Member
Cool, you see the pictures of my South Carolina and my son got a lavender for christmas before last so I was considering breeding them both, I'd say I could get so really nice colours between them


New Member
Sorry about the late response, about taming your tegu... I'm no expert but I can toss out a few ideas. Kinda seems like your trying too hard if that even makes sense lol. Ditch the glove and taking him to the bathroom. Make sure your temps are proper and you have the right ultraviolet requirements 1st off. Just feed him in his cage, throw the food in whether it's a mouse or ground turkey or whatever and just leave him alone. Seems like he might be stressed out so id recommend leaving him alone for a few days. U might be doing more harm than good by taking him out of his cage and taking him to another room and wearing a brightly colored glove to handle him. I'm no professional but these are things I did when mine was acting like a douche and he's fine now.

For food, your going to have to do some work yourself. You have to remember that every tegu is different just like dogs or people. Just because alot of people use ground turkey doesn't mean yours will eat it. He might hate it, you need to try different things until you find something healthy that he will gobble up as soon as u offer it. Then from there you can start looking for other things to give him a little variety. For you, from what you've said about his attitude, I bet he'd love live food like a mouse or rat pup depending on size. I think he'd love a good hunt.

Good luck


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1,000+ Post Club
Here's a list of what Kodo eats, hopefully it helps: chicken gizzards, beef stew meat (it's lean), silversides, snails, shrimp, mice, rats, hard boiled eggs, liver (don't overdo with this or you'll get a vitamin A overdose), turkey. He also has a taste for my mother's lamp chops and Arby's roast beef sandwhiches


New Member
Khoilie said:
Sorry about the late response, about taming your tegu... I'm no expert but I can toss out a few ideas. Kinda seems like your trying too hard if that even makes sense lol. Ditch the glove and taking him to the bathroom. Make sure your temps are proper and you have the right ultraviolet requirements 1st off. Just feed him in his cage, throw the food in whether it's a mouse or ground turkey or whatever and just leave him alone. Seems like he might be stressed out so id recommend leaving him alone for a few days. U might be doing more harm than good by taking him out of his cage and taking him to another room and wearing a brightly colored glove to handle him. I'm no professional but these are things I did when mine was acting like a douche and he's fine now.

For food, your going to have to do some work yourself. You have to remember that every tegu is different just like dogs or people. Just because alot of people use ground turkey doesn't mean yours will eat it. He might hate it, you need to try different things until you find something healthy that he will gobble up as soon as u offer it. Then from there you can start looking for other things to give him a little variety. For you, from what you've said about his attitude, I bet he'd love live food like a mouse or rat pup depending on size. I think he'd love a good hunt.

Good luck

I love her but I couldn't feed her live prey, I don't mind live crickets but I couldn't feed her a live baby mouse and besides it is illegal to do that over here, mice come frozen and if you were caught feeding a live one to a snake/lizard you would be fined and most likely sent to jail for 5 years for cruelity to animals. It's a big NO NO in Ireland


New Member
Oh wow holy **** thats serious lol, there's no laws here in Canada about feeders. It's just a social thing. In the exotic pet scene that i am apart of It's considered socially acceptable to feed live prey as long and the feeder animals are bred specifically for the purpose of feeding exotic pets. For example: it is fine to feed a rabbit to your snake as long as you obtain the rabbit from a breeder that specifically bred and raised the rabbits for the purpose of feeding pets higher on the foodchain. On the other hand if you were to go into a pet store and buy a rabbit being sold as a pet and feed it to your snake, that would be animal cruelty and you deserve to die in a fire. Some people will say what the hell is the difference but there is a huge difference. There's a food chain, then there's feeding your pet to another pet


New Member
Khoilie said:
Oh wow holy Poo thats serious lol, there's no laws here in Canada about feeders. It's just a social thing. In the exotic pet scene that i am apart of It's considered socially acceptable to feed live prey as long and the feeder animals are bred specifically for the purpose of feeding exotic pets. For example: it is fine to feed a rabbit to your snake as long as you obtain the rabbit from a breeder that specifically bred and raised the rabbits for the purpose of feeding pets higher on the foodchain. On the other hand if you were to go into a pet store and buy a rabbit being sold as a pet and feed it to your snake, that would be animal cruelty and you deserve to die in a fire. Some people will say what the hell is the difference but there is a huge difference. There's a food chain, then there's feeding your pet to another pet


Thats why it is considered cruel over here, it is actually on youTube somewhere but I wouldn't watch it so I can't search for it for you

For the record the guy was caught, his snake was taken away and he was fined about 15,000 and banned from ever owning a pet again as far as I know


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1,000+ Post Club
While there is nothing inherently "wrong" feeding a reptile a live prey item—that's nature, folks—I concur with Khoilie. Feeder animals are meant to be food, pets are meant to be pets. I have met a couple people who have fed their snakes cats, however. I've also heard snakes prefer the taste of hamsters to mice/rats and can get addicted to them.


New Member
dragonmetalhead said:
While there is nothing inherently "wrong" feeding a reptile a live prey item—that's nature, folks—I concur with Khoilie. Feeder animals are meant to be food, pets are meant to be pets. I have met a couple people who have fed their snakes cats, however. I've also heard snakes prefer the taste of hamsters to mice/rats and can get addicted to them.

While I understand what you are saying over here there is no such thing as a "Feeder Animal", it would be totally against the law to breed animals just to feed to other animals because where would you draw the line on what is and isn't an "acceptable" live food versus pet? can I feed a live cat to a dog just because it is nature that dogs eat cats? put it this way young tegu are pray in their own habitat but if I owned an animal that was a natural predator of tegu would it be acceptable for me to buy live young tegu just to feed it?

I realise that humans breed cattle and chickens as food but the reason we justify it is we disassociate from the animal and view Chickens, Cows, Sheep etc as stupid and that makes it easier then to digest (no pun intended) as a reason but if hotdogs where really made out of minced up dogs would you eat them?

"that's nature" as a concept is very subjective based on what you find acceptable which is why you never see a zoo feeding a tiger a live monkey

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