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Tegus and Newborns Questions


New Member
Hello! My husband got me a tegu for Christmas, I am just curious if anyone knows how well they do with newborns and toddlers?


What do you mean? They aren’t puppies or anything and a toddler definitely could not be trusted with one, It takes one move for that tegu to freak out and bite the kid. An adult tegu has a 300LB bite force, to put it in perspective this is stronger than a Dwarf Caiman bite, and a pitbull has a 230LB bite force. Not an animal to be played with near toddlers.


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5 Year Member
Please don't let Griffin's negativity upset you, although what he says about the bite force is true just use your commen sence.

If I was you I would just build trust between your Gu and the adults whilst out, teach the little ones looking through the enclosure that you have to stay calm and not to touch this will bring trust between them and your gu.
Then over time and I mean probs looking at 2 years build things progressively... By this time you should have a good understanding of your gu's mannorisms plus your children will understand more how to behave around him, but obviously never leave them unatended whilst out and remember their claws can slice through skin like butter.



New Member
No totally I guess I should have been more specific, I have done my research for a year now, I'm not going into this blind. But you answered my question perfectly Alpha, plus theres no baby yet lol I'm just trying to get more insite on kids, but I discussed more with my husband and we definitely have a plan now. I didnt want to bring it up to him right away, thinking I didnt want our tegu so that's why I came onto here to see if anyone had experience with this but we got it all worked out thank you for the help!


Negativity? Facts don’t care about feelings. If you would read, they don’t have a kid yet, in the future they will. This means when they do have a kid, the tegu will have the capabilities of producing mass damage to a young toddler. Toodlers, specifically around 1-2 years thrash arms around, move a lot, and don’t have a true sense of the world. If that toddler/baby grabs the tegus tail, or slaps with out even understanding, that Tegu has the potential to leave a permanent scar. Alpha instead of getting your feelings hurt, how about you spread awareness and truth. These are wild animals and should be treated as such. Theres a big difference between being “negative” and being real with someone.


New Member
I'm sure what he was meaning was your comment was more rude then helpful, I know the bite force of a tegu, and how strong they are. Like I said not going into it blind, just I should have been more specific. I was looking more for if anyone knows how their adult tamed tegu does with toddlers, like experiences. I know some owners have kids so I was looking for more answers like that.


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Negativity? Facts don’t care about feelings. If you would read, they don’t have a kid yet, in the future they will. This means when they do have a kid, the tegu will have the capabilities of producing mass damage to a young toddler. Toodlers, specifically around 1-2 years thrash arms around, move a lot, and don’t have a true sense of the world. If that toddler/baby grabs the tegus tail, or slaps with out even understanding, that Tegu has the potential to leave a permanent scar. Alpha instead of getting your feelings hurt, how about you spread awareness and truth. These are wild animals and should be treated as such. Theres a big difference between being “negative” and being real with someone.

Seems to me its you thats getting his feelings hurt....

I do spread awareness, help and positive feed back....also having more animal experienes than you've actually being on this planet, I believe my awareness is much more valid than yours. I've also got 2 kids of my own that have grown up around many many animals and worked with children most of my life introducing them to different animals in different ways..... SO WHO IS THE REALIST HERE

Many many pets are as you say are wild animals... so are you saying children should not experience or apreciate these animals??
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Well-Known Member
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5 Year Member
No totally I guess I should have been more specific, I have done my research for a year now, I'm not going into this blind. But you answered my question perfectly Alpha, plus theres no baby yet lol I'm just trying to get more insite on kids, but I discussed more with my husband and we definitely have a plan now. I didnt want to bring it up to him right away, thinking I didnt want our tegu so that's why I came onto here to see if anyone had experience with this but we got it all worked out thank you for the help!

THANKS for the appreciation and glad i could help.:D:tegu:


Seems to me its you thats getting his feelings hurt....

I do spread awareness, help and positive feed back....also having more animal experienes than you've actually being on this planet, I believe my awareness is much more valid than yours. I've also got 2 kids of my own that have grown up around many many animals and worked with children most of my life introducing them to different animals in different ways..... SO WHO IS THE REALIST HERE

Many many pets are as you say are wild animals... so are you saying children should not experience or apreciate these animals??
Nice you have age on me, have you traveled the world and been to over 20 different countries? Have you seen these animals in the wild? Do you even have a sense of what they are like in the wolrd? I have traveled to many countries from Agentina, Costa Rica, Aruba, and many more. I would argue age doesn’t correlate with animal experiences num nuts. I have been around animals my entire life and have the upmost respect for them. Humans are shitty animals who have taken these creatures into custody. In reality, we should let animals be unless you’re saving them, which is what the majority of people are doing-thats good! But I have a full comprehension of what the reptile industry is like- If you knew what was actually going on with these poor animals maybe you would be a little more uptight. I recommend you do research and find out how many lizards/snakes, or reptiles/amphibians die a year- its disgusting. The majority of people have no respect for them and buy them because they are “cute”. Another thing, I am in Indiana University, and majoring in a degree in Biology. My GPA is 3.66, I think I have enough knowledge and experience to comment on such posts. And bud, putting things in CAPS doesn’t make you right lol, it makes you look silly. Try having a reasonable debate with me and we’ll see how far that goes.

One more things, look up how many monitor lizards get to the United States each year and look at the conditions they come in, and look how many die. This is why I might be a little “mean” because this animal industry is the absolute worst and most heartbreaking one to exist. We need more of me to make people realize they aren’t ordinary pets and should never be treated as such, yet they are. . .

I’ll debate you on any topic I disagree with you on Alpha, and I’ll be on here for many years to come waking people up and getting them to realize these are more than just “pets”. Wether or not you like it, I’ll be here trying to help others even if you don’t like it.
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5 Year Member
Right or wrong?? there is non there's just different perspectives and obviously yours is at the opposite spectrum to mine.
You spout about how many reptiles die and how they need rescuing but If we don't get our children interacting and interested in these animals, who's going to save them in the future?


Right or wrong?? there is non there's just different perspectives and obviously yours is at the opposite spectrum to mine.
You spout about how many reptiles die and how they need rescuing but If we don't get our children interacting and interested in these animals, who's going to save them in the future?
I “spout” how they die, yet you have no idea how the industry works then, it’s not the kids who are shipping them here, its big companies that see how much money can be made off of reptiles. People need to STOP supporting the industry completely, if you want to have a full respect for the animls, go to their native countries. Buying them from petsmart or petco is bad- these places have no respect for the animals. I went into a petco the other day they had what looked to be about a year old savannah in a 20 gallon with 1 light and the temp in the cage was 75 degrees. This is why i’m uptight because there are far to many people who have no clue what they’re even doing. Getting children an interest in reptiles is awesome - and important but when you are showing these animals off they need to be respected to a much higher degree than any other animals. A tegu could rip a babies arm off- I was giving a fair warning to those people and you called me “‘negative” Come on man, that’s ridiculous they need to be extremely careful. Do you even understand the repercussions if this were to happen? If a tegu were to do that, you could easily expect a potential ban on them because of their damage capabilities. Sometimes you have to focus on the macro, not just micro. Either way, good discussion I think people reading this have learned things from both of us. Different perspectives are what makes society so diverse. If I wasn’t the “villian” on here maybe people would only hear what they want to hear. With that being said, I am finished with this post, and Alpha until next time m8 ;)


New Member
Omg you people are toxic... Any way I just want to say that if you do the work your tegu will be nice an tame.. And then when your children come.. It will be more about teaching them the do's and don'ts of living with and handling a tegu.


You’re calling me toxic yet you had nothing to back it up, go read what I wrote and lets think this one through. Is what I said subjective or objective ? It was objective, I stated facts that you can go look up your self if you’d like. Next, how can toxicity and objective truth be put into the same pool? generally, it can’t and calling someone “toxic” because what they’re saying is true, is not the way to go about things.

In regards to what you said, yeah obviously if you work with your tegu everyday and what not, it will become tame, But, does that remove the 300 LB bite force? No. Does it mean the tegu doesn’t bite? No. Little kids can be rough with animals and Im sure a tegu isnt goin to like a toddler yanking its tail or accidentally falling on it, it takes 1 small moment like this for everything to change and the tegu bites the kid. Next thing you know CNN is running fake stories everyday claiming tegus are the most dangerous lizard in the world.
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Uhhh this thread went down hill fast...

Ill put in my 2 cents. Dont give kids anything you dont expect them to put in their mouth. I dont care if its a dog, cat, beardy, tegu, odds are its going to get tasted. With tegus i have another concern. You hand them to tweens or younger, and there is high odds they will drop them. Chams and beardies will just bounce off the carpet. 8 pound tegu not so much. With tegu and other large introductions, if they want to "see" the lizard, they are going to "see" it while sitting on the floor with it in their laps.


I “spout” how they die, yet you have no idea how the industry works then, it’s not the kids who are shipping them here, its big companies that see how much money can be made off of reptiles. People need to STOP supporting the industry completely, if you want to have a full respect for the animls, go to their native countries. Buying them from petsmart or petco is bad- these places have no respect for the animals. I went into a petco the other day they had what looked to be about a year old savannah in a 20 gallon with 1 light and the temp in the cage was 75 degrees. This is why i’m uptight because there are far to many people who have no clue what they’re even doing. Getting children an interest in reptiles is awesome - and important but when you are showing these animals off they need to be respected to a much higher degree than any other animals. A tegu could rip a babies arm off- I was giving a fair warning to those people and you called me “‘negative” Come on man, that’s ridiculous they need to be extremely careful. Do you even understand the repercussions if this were to happen? If a tegu were to do that, you could easily expect a potential ban on them because of their damage capabilities. Sometimes you have to focus on the macro, not just micro. Either way, good discussion I think people reading this have learned things from both of us. Different perspectives are what makes society so diverse. If I wasn’t the “villian” on here maybe people would only hear what they want to hear. With that being said, I am finished with this post, and Alpha until next time m8 ;)

How about we just agree with my long standing opinion that pet stores shouldnt sell "pets". You want a pet, here is the breeder wall with tons of business cards to look through, and groomers, and pet sitters, etc. Oh you want some frozen rats and a hide, we have you covered.


New Member
Lol thank you for proving my point.. I didn't say who... But you took it personal saying I called you toxic.. . And yes the way yall go back and forth was uncalled for but whatever.. I guess you missed too when I said you have to teach your kids the do's and don'ts (that avoids the 300lb bite) . Wich leads me to believe you only read the first line and the angry sharks started to swim back to your head.. U need help kid. I wrapped all your rant in my little post and that's that.. Originally She said "I AM NOT GOING INTO IT BLIND" something else u missed... So if she has the knowledge to own a tegu the next step is to teach the child the child safe handling techniques . With that there is no problem owning a Tegu with a child at home. Any ways I know you'll come back with some more rage cause u get hurt easily... We all can tell by your responses... Go on.. I need reading material for my next bathroom break.


Lol thank you for proving my point.. I didn't say who... But you took it personal saying I called you toxic.. . And yes the way yall go back and forth was uncalled for but whatever.. I guess you missed too when I said you have to teach your kids the do's and don'ts (that avoids the 300lb bite) . Wich leads me to believe you only read the first line and the angry sharks started to swim back to your head.. U need help kid. I wrapped all your rant in my little post and that's that.. Originally She said "I AM NOT GOING INTO IT BLIND" something else u missed... So if she has the knowledge to own a tegu the next step is to teach the child the child safe handling techniques . With that there is no problem owning a Tegu with a child at home. Any ways I know you'll come back with some more rage cause u get hurt easily... We all can tell by your responses... Go on.. I need reading material for my next bathroom break.

The irony in this post is beyond the charts! You said you didn’t specify who, but yet say “Proves my point” meaning it was about me. Your low IQ is showing, and you had no debate at all to my response. “The sharks started to swim back to your head” What are you 5 years old? If you think I sit here and get actually mad , then you’re completely misguided and simply wrong. I think its funny how much stupid people are on here to be honest, which is why I I give blunt responses. I would have a sad life if I felt anger from a lizard forum, but that’s not the case. And bud, I don’t get hurt easily, it’s clear that your little feelings were hurt my fact bombs and thats why you had to comment. I love how you think everyone is on your side when you tried hitting me with the “We can all tell” ... Uhhh no bud, no one else seems to agree with you, and definitely the majority doesn’t. Now, the best part of this post is that you think you’re some psychologist and were able to diagnose me as “needing help” from a fucking internet post . I mean come on, I’m the last person that needs help, take a look at the college i’m in, the GPA required to get in, and my current GPA. I think you would change your mind real quick...

One more thing, I know how to properly debate, and its blatantly clear you don’t.

People can get mad at me for spreading awareness but the amount of stupidity on this forum is next level. Someone earlier said they house a colombian tegu with a blue and plan on housing it with their B&W as well.... Another found the “Temp Gun” thread and said “Oh thats good idea” Yeah it is you dumbass and you should’ve known you need a temp gun before you even bought the tegu.

And please reply, I would love to see you try to respond. The 2 times i’ve gotten on here today were during my shitters, I love my bathroom breaks !


New Member
*yawns* and then? U the only one that wrote an essay back after saying you were done with the post u are in your feelings man. And no one cares that you think you are the last one to need help or your GPA and you are the best.. putting your self up there smh. Too bad that traveling the world and being in 20 different countries didn't teach you how not to be an a hole and participate in a forum with more kindness and respect . Even saying thigs like" I'll help you even if you don't like it " it doesn't matter how many degrees u get or if u take your crapper breaks in a different country every month if you don't know how to deliver the information no one will care for what you have to say Calling people dumbasses and numb nuts because they are learning or make mistakes... She had to keep telling she wasn't going into it blind and that she was seeking advice from people with kids.. Hopefully that's not you...
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