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Tegus and Newborns Questions


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5 Year Member
"The irony in this post is beyond the charts! You said you didn’t specify who, but yet say “Proves my point” meaning it was about me." Proves my point could have being quite easily a generalized comment that people are toxic, WELL DONE again you showed yourself to be the petty little teenager who thinks he knows about the world and everything thing in it. You love to criticize people TRYING to make them feel small or beneath you and also confuse them with irrelivant facts to the post thinking because of your education and traveling experiences you are wise behond your years. You say no one can debate or answer your questions yet I've asked you numerous simple questions over our so called debates that you simply never answer, so YES you're a negative, agonistic, obnoxious self-assert and arrogant child who obviously needs some respect and morals.

Now thats me done...NO more on this post from me unless its a helpful tip or to spread awareness of the topic. THANK YOU
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Well-Known Member


Smh, people are soft now a days, what happened to sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. You react to my troll comments in the same manner as an 8 year old who didn’t get his favorite toy at christmas. Again, we got Alpha over here with the capslock on because he thinks it makes him more right, in reality it doesn’t, Alpha? More like Little Beta. Zyn came through with the professional psychological diagnosis, hey zyn where did you get your degree from? poor zyn can’t distinguish hard truth from arrogance just as he can’t distinguish a troll through the screen. again, you keep trying to say I am angry but im siting here taking a **** relaxin replying to these idiotic individuals on this forum. I noticed how none of you even replied to my comment about the 2 ding dongs , 1 of which didn’t even know a temp gun was something you needed. I generally reply to these types of posts because the people are completely clueless and have no reason to own a pet if they can’t properly care for it- Majority of people don’t either.

One more thing, I will still be on here trying to get rid of the parasitic owners who have no clue or idea what they’re doing. #JusticeForTegus! You will never end the movement!

Sticks and stones may break my bones but you guys and your “professional diagnoses” will never hurt me!
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Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Any pet around little ones is risky, especially non-domesticateds.

For what it's worth, look but don't touch til around 4-5 yrs of age, then supervised touch while tegu's held by parent for a few more years. Regardless, owner should be very well acqainted with tegu care and their own tegu's in particular before sharing with anyone, let alone a child.


New Member
I did not expect this topic to include discussions of GPA and travel experience.

For anyone wondering, MY personal GPA was 5.0 and I'VE traveled to over 300 countries. Also, my d*@# is way bigger than your d*@#.
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