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Trigger pulled...


Thanks! She measures 16 1/2" inches today. How can they grow that fast? She looks so different from the pics posted above. Here she's all layed out flat on her moss "OMG, I'm sooooo fat."


New Member
Nice cage! I just pulled the trigger last night! Picked up a male from Underground as well. Can't wait! I'm going to setup his enclosure today. I also need to start drawing up the plans for his new enclosure.


We're up to about 22" now and she's just a big, docile baby. She's also not scared of anything. At all. I hope your experience with yours is as good as the one I'm having with mine.


I just thought I'd post a little update on my "baby." She is now 32" and 2 lbs 15 oz. She's still very laid back, docile, and not scared of anything or anyone. My eight year old daughter LOVES her. A typical day for us now is as follows.

I get home from work at about 3, after picking my kid up from school. I take food out to thaw, lock up the cats, then open the cage. If Stella is up and under a hide, I scoop her up. Otherwise, if she's not up, I dig her up, plop her on the substrate, dust her off, and pick her up. She is absolutely not bothered by the excavation at all. I then take her to the couch and give her some scratches. A couple minutes later she goes PLOP onto the floor and ambles over to her heat lamp set up on the floor and warms up.

After she's warmed up and starts to get ambulatory, I put her food on a plate, and she eats. She then goes behind a chair and pees on a puppy pad, then behind the TV and poops on another puppy pad, then starts exploring, returning to the heat lamp occasionally for a recharge (seems to visit this when my temp gun says her body temp hits 92*). I keep an eye on her and pick her up or scratch her occasionally. When she's done being out, she'll hide under the couch or a chair, and I put her back into her cage. At this point, one of two things happens:

1. She buries herself and is done for the day
2. She decides that she's not done for the day and starts scratching at the glass giving me the sad eyes.

In case of 1, I let the cats out. In case of 2, I take her out again and let her wander more until she hides again. I then put her back in her cage, and repeat until 1 is true. Then the cats are let out.

Of my three cats, two are Maine Coons, and the one who shows the most interest in her is a 22 lb horsebeast of a male. No chances will be taken.

Love this lizard. She's just the best. I've had a lot of herps and she's absolutely my favorite of all I've had.

Here's a pic of her basking fatly under her lamp about an inch and 4 oz ago.

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Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Ophidia- you have succeeded in meeting a tegu's no. 1 goal- a routine. And one you like to boot. She, and it is a she, is beautiful. I raise my glass to your "getting" your tegu. I do not want to keep cats but am intrigued by Maine Coons. One step away from a Lynx.


The biggest challenge has been how amazing she is at getting into the tightest, most inaccessible hiding places that she can find. She's finally big enough that she can't get under doors, under the stove, or under the fridge. I still have the TV stand blocked off (that took about 6 tries to figure out what she couldn't bust into) and the aquarium stand is also blocked off. That one was just recently conquered. Now when she's done she usually goes under the recliner chair, under a heating pad I put under there. It's not plugged in most of the time, but it has come in handy in certain circumstances.

Oh, the arms on my living room couch have also been neatly excised by a knife. I've also taken the speaker out of my subwoofer cabinet to check in there once, in case she got in through the bass port (was not in there). This was when the couch ended up having surgery.

I'm pretty much tegu-proofed now.

If you have animals, you can't have nice furniture.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
The biggest challenge has been how amazing she is at getting into the tightest, most inaccessible hiding places that she can find. She's finally big enough that she can't get under doors, under the stove, or under the fridge. I still have the TV stand blocked off (that took about 6 tries to figure out what she couldn't bust into) and the aquarium stand is also blocked off. That one was just recently conquered. Now when she's done she usually goes under the recliner chair, under a heating pad I put under there. It's not plugged in most of the time, but it has come in handy in certain circumstances.

Oh, the arms on my living room couch have also been neatly excised by a knife. I've also taken the speaker out of my subwoofer cabinet to check in there once, in case she got in through the bass port (was not in there). This was when the couch ended up having surgery.

I'm pretty much tegu-proofed now.

If you have animals, you can't have nice furniture.
And that is why we can't have nice things.

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