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Update on my tegu Link, and his enclosure


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Thanks for the pics, maybe I will give it a shot and hope the bottom of my cage doesn't fall out.


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james.w said:
Thanks for the pics, maybe I will give it a shot and hope the bottom of my cage doesn't fall out.

You might try putting in a little at a time and seeing how the cage holds up to the weight. If you're worried, you might try a mix of the soil and sphagnum moss. I've seen big bags of the sphagnum moss at ace hardware, and it's way cheaper than the "frog moss" or anything you can get at petco/petsmart.


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My cage should be ok, it is 3/4" plywood with a 2x4 support at 3' and 5'. It's a 8' long enclosure.


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Link is 33 inches now, approaching 34! He's taken a liking to blueberries, and will actually gingerly pick them up out of the palm of my hand before crunching down on them :) No pictures though, since I lost my camera on a recent trip to California :/ I'm looking into getting another one, and hopefully I'll have more pictures and videos soon. I took him on a walk a few days ago when the sun was out. He really seemed to enjoy it, so did everyone who saw him in his vest and leash XD He really added surreal dose to the typical "Portland Weirdness" We'll go for a walk again once we have a warm day again.


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Took link for another walk today downtown at the park. He did really well on his leash, but then after a bit he started getting way too interested in crawling into places I didn't want him, and didn't listen to me anymore when I was walking him. After a bit of this, I decided to take him home. I tried to pick him up a couple times, but each time he gaped at me, which he'd never done before. Then he started biting his leash. It's strange because he has never done anything like this before and I've walked him around quite a bit in the past. Today was the first really warm day of the year though, and he soaked up a lot of sun, so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it. I was able to pick him up, while he was gaping in my face, but I didn't let that stop me from holding him, and talking to him to help him calm down. He immediately calmed down once I put him on my shoulder, which is where he loves to hang out with me all the time.

I had no problems with him after that. I did put him down in various places on our way home, and he reacted similarly- puffing up and gaping, so I think he just had enough time outside, and really wanted to go somewhere familiar, where he wasn't restrained by the leash and harness. It could just be that he was having one of those days. I'll probably be taking him out again tomorrow, but I'll take him to his favorite spot by the fountain where he can bask, instead of taking him to the park.


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It could have, if he was warmer he could have more "fight" in him. I've noticed that as it gets warmer my tegus are a little more rambunctious outside. They haven't been out too much yet, it just takes some getting used to.
Thats so cute! Do people usually come up to you and ask a lot of questions?
What other berries have you tried if any? Mine seem to really enjoy strawberries as well.


Too cute he was probably having too good of a time and did not want to go. Sounds like when my kids were little and you had to tell them it was time to go and they would pitch a little fit. I am so jealous the weather is cold were I am barely getting into the 60's.


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rhetoricx said:
Thats so cute! Do people usually come up to you and ask a lot of questions?
What other berries have you tried if any? Mine seem to really enjoy strawberries as well.

Oh my god, I'm usually stopped by several people every block, and sometimes gather a crowd depending on what area of downtown I'm walking him in. People are always wanting his picture, and always always think he's an iguana, except in the one case when someone asked me if he was a Komodo XD When he was younger I had him at pioneer square, and attracted enough of a crowd that one of the police came over to see what was going on. He asked a little bit about him, and everything was totally chill. I've had a couple of people who have shied away from him, but almost everyone who sees him seems to be genuinely interested and think he's a beautiful animal.

Ive been considering getting a booth at the Saturday Market just so I can start charging for people wanting his picture XD If I could make $5 off everyone who wanted a picture of him/with him, I'd be able to make at least half of my share of rent just doing that.

As for berries, I haven't tried strawberries yet. He does however LOVE blueberries. I've gotten to the point with him that I can trust him to eat them out of my palm :) I really want to get a video of it, but I need a new camera for that.

In other news, the swelling Link has had around his vent for a YEAR has finally gone. I'd noticed everything getting less prominent as he got older, and finally everything is back in his little vent-pocket where it belongs! Maybe he's just packing way too much in there, and had to grow into it XD I really have no idea. I'd thought it was a deformity since no meds, or changes to his environment made it go away. I'm just glad to know now that he's fixed whatever his issue was, and now I don't have to worry about pulling splinters out of his vent, because he's on topsoil and not mulch now.


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I managed to get a photo of Link while he was out for his walk yesterday, and just uploaded it from my phone tonight :) Enjoy!



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I was out walking Link at Pioneer Square the other day (big outdoor area in the heart of Portland. He likes going up and down the stairs)

And as usual, he got a lot of attention and love from people who wanted to meet him :)

One photographer got some great pictures of us together, and she gave me her card so I would be able to find the pictures later. Here they are!

(all images are copyright to Jade Christensen, the wonderful photographer who captured these images.)

Enjoy! :)





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rhetoricx said:
Awwww so cute! :D :D

I know :) Though I wish he hadn't outgrown his flame harness. It was so cute on him! he now fits in a small dog harness though, so at least it'll be easier to find stuff that fits him. It amazes me how many people want to pet him. The kinds of people too. I've had multiple gaggles of preppy-looking teenage girls run up to me doing fan-girl squeals wanting to pet and cuddle him. While my original intent was just to walk him and get him some exercise, in a place where I could easily work on his leash training, taking him for a walk now, is something I've started using for outreach.

That Animal planet show really got me concerned after I got stopped on the street because someone saw it and thought I was walking a vicious animal. Now I'm educating people on what Tegus are, and how misjudged reptiles are (though in the wild they can still be dangerous, and you need to know what you're doing.) People have been fascinated to discover that reptiles aren't slimy :) and that includes snakes. Link seems to like all the attention too. There's been a few times when he's climbed right out of my hands, onto a curious person's shoulder. (with their permission of course) Now it just needs to get warmer here again. Temps in the low 70s are nice, but definitely not ideal Tegu-weather. lol

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