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Viruses/Diseases they carry


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
They served both. I like dolmas, too. The best ones I had were at a birthday party for an Iranian family. The women had cooked so much food! We had brought our animals to do a presentation and they invited us to stay and eat with them afterwards. These dolmas were the best I have ever had...it's been a while, but it seems that they were small, and had more lemon than I was used to. very yummy! We have a lot of multicultural friends that grew up in other countries so we are often treated to a lot of homemade Indian, Middle Eastern, and Cuban food. I just wish I could cook some of it!


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1,000+ Post Club
Omg yaay! I'm not the only one nomming animal heads.haha! I think maybe we are like the carnival or circus folk in a way... "watch as i put my head into the lion's mouth " ... but like, the opposite. Haha. "You will be amazed as i put this snake head into my mouth! " ooooo. Ahhhhh. Applause. "Thank you. Thank you. You are too kind. " :p and yep. I put my rats, cockatiel, snake... not turtle or bat ... in my mouth. Sheesh. I'm admitting this is public. Haha. <3


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1,000+ Post Club
I keep a thing of hand sanitizer on top of my reptile tanks and I try to use it the majority of the time. I'm a bit lax when handling Kodo or my snakes, but I always wash my hands before and after I handle my scheltopusik. In the 20 years I've kept herps, I've kissed many and never gotten sick. Basic hygiene will keep you safe. And I wouldn't recommend keeping you tegu in your mouth for extended periods of time, that'll give you cooties for sure.


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1,000+ Post Club
Dubya said:
Isnt scheltopusik Yiddish for penis?

I read it's Russian/Slavic for "yellow belly" in reference to their coloration, but it could be Yiddish as well. being Jewish, I feel I should know this, lol.


New Member
I'm personally always more worried about getting my tegu sick than him getting me sick. A few weeks ago I was out with the flu or something and I refused to handle him because I didn't want him to catch the bug. Lol. I've eaten around him, he's never become food aggressive, likely because his bellies already full. Only time I've ever had an issue was when he snuck up on me once and snagged a chunk of beef jerky. But animals have never made me sick.

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