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WANTED argus monitor


Ya, I'm not sure I see anything wrong with that video either. When you catch an animal in the wild, its not pretty. There is a certain amount of roughness that comes with it, which is necessary to 1) actually restrain a wild animal and 2) not get bitten or scratched by it.

Draco D Tegu

New Member
Well, that's my opinion. We will have to agree to disagree on this one. Just let me ask ya, if someone were to chase you down and swing you around by your neck, would you find something wrong with that? Not being hostile, but that's how I view it. I wouldn't like it done to me, I wouldn't do it to the nastiest of my animals, and I wouldn't do it to a wild animal.


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Draco D Tegu said:
Whether it's "crazy talk" or not, Holding a reptile by the tail is one thing. Swinging it around by it is another. I've seen many animals with tail and spine injuries from handling like that.

Savannah monitors have a prehensile tail as well, but I certainly don't flip mine up in the air, or swing it from one hand to the other by its tail. Grabbing a wild animal OUT of the wild, much less chasing it down, flipping it around by its tail, setting it down so it thinks its loose just to pick it up again by its tailk, doesn't smack of having respect for the animal to me. Nor is it extreme, it's just plain disregard for the animal to me. He does not have MY respect. Nor do many of the other animal planet show hosts for that matter, but that's a different tangent all together.

I didn't see him swinging it around at all. He was holding the tail and the animal was moving.

But like you said we will have to agree to disagree on this one.


New Member
Venomous poisonous, you say tomato I say tomato. Same thing james. I don't know of a venomous animal that doesn't use some sort of poisonous cocktail. The arguably is normally a larger lizard, and will put on more weight, and need a bit larger and more intricate cage design for the amount of excavating they like to do.


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Actually venom and poison are two different things, but who really cares right?

As far as adult animal size and enclosure size, the Argus will be a little bit bigger animal, but their minimum recommended enclosure is the same as an adult Tegu, 8x4x4.


New Member
James, would you be terribly upset with me if I told you I posted it as a joke to mess with you lol. I know venom is different from a poison and it's delivery is different along with origin. The argus just looks like it's a bit more work, and as interesting as there habit of tripoding is, not my cup of tea. Tegus seem more docile and less likely to have temperament issues.

It's to easy sometimes, it's also amusing how judgmental some people are on here. Most of the monitors I've seen on here or other places seem to get quite a bit more girth. I yet again will say, I have no problem with housing or keeping a large tegu, or lizard that if you didn't read into everything, wasn't the size of a monitor and had a monitors temperament.


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I didn't "read into" anything, I read your post. I wasn't the only one who got the same impressin from it either. I can understand if you say you want something more docile and less temperamental, but twice you mentioned only the size if the Argus.

Draco D Tegu

New Member
New2, I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I too read your post as you posted it, and not INTO the post. "I just don't know what I'd do with a lizard that big" was your exact quote. Which made me wonder at first, are you fully prepared to take care of a Tegu, as big as THEY get.....?

You can't blame us for questioning....I've been seeing tegus everywhere on craigslist lately, because the owners didn't know what to do with a large lizard once it reached adult size. Anyone that loves this species or even reptiles in general would tend to educate on a comment like that, whether it was intended as it came acrossor not.

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