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Sorry I missed it guys. Thursday is my day off so Wednesday nights are a bit of a 'party night' for me. I stopped in late but it seems the reptile talk had simmered over by then.
Can someone, or a couple of you, that were there for the whole chat give a bit of a review for us? I know you will not be able to sum up the entire experience in a couple of paragraphs but maybe give us the highlights and show us what we missed to encourage us to make it next week?
I'd like to thank that people that did show up. However it wasn't many, and we only touched on the "topic" briefly. Mostly just exchanged some stories and general chatting about w/e. rather uneventful. Had the attendance of forum members been higher maybe some exciting review would be happening here instead of this. lol oh well, there's always next time.
i couldnt make it either, we were puttubg in another tank for one of our snakes and ended up breaking the glass on it, man i feel like my house has turned into a zoo! all tanks and no room