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Wow another great hit from Animal Planet


New Member
The most invasive species is people .. Also the most destructive..

I take it they don`t have birds or rodents in Argentina ..All destroyed by the fearsome tegu ..

But wait so what do tegus eat then ????


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
There is a new video on Animal Planet. I think it Man Eating Super Snakes. hahahahha. Technically, they can't eat you.

When I googled "Tegu bites man's finger", I also got an article about a man biting off another man's finger. So don't let your kids play too close to other people. ;)

Last night on the news, two free roaming pit bulls attacked a 74 yo man and ripped off his arm. I'm not anti-pit bulls and I don't want to go off topic. I'm just saying that I'd rather lose the tip of my finger than my entire arm. People hear about dog attacks and just shrug it off. But mention a reptile and people just freak out. It's emotional and good TV.


5 Year Member
james.w said:
Jefroka said:
I see a problem with the video and take offense. Someone should have mentioned that tegus in captivity are routinely as tame as man's best friend in the proper hands of a responsible reptile owner.

To stereotype tegus as aggressive beasts and that is exactly what this piece of junk video does is a disservice to the reptile community!

Shame on this footage and if you don't take offense perhaps you shouldn't be representing the reptile community!

BTW, I believe the finger story is greatly exaggerated as to the details of the story.


I don't understand how you can say shame on this footage and if you don't take offense you shouldn't represent the community. The biggest problem with this show was the fact that someone is letting tegus free in Florida. They didn't go into peoples houses that are keeping them as pets and talk bad about them, they were capturing "wild" tegus that were scaring people in their own yard. I would be upset too if there was a 4' lizard in my yard with my kids playing outside and I keep large lizards.

Now I'm not saying they couldn't have mentioned the positive aspects of keeping tegus, but that wasn't what the show was about nor where the money is as Montana said. If keepers were more respnsible and rehomed their animals when they could no longer care for them, they wouldn't be able to make shows like this.

I hate to be the one to be on animal planets side this time, but it bothers me that people blame the network for something that was started by one time reptile keepers.

I never watched the show, just what was mentioned in the clip that was provided in this thread.

Its goes without reason that people should be responsible pet owners of any type but to stereotype tegus (which the clip footage clearly does) as aggressive, blood thirsty beasts is a disservice to the tegu keeping community.

Their slant is what gets wacko politicians in an uproar, prodding them to pass legislation to ban a particular animal altogether.

So if your community were to ban you from keeping tegus, you'd be ok with it?



Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
No I would not be ok with Tegus or other reptile bans in my community. I do think many animals, dogs included should be permitted. It would somewhat keep them out of the wrong hands.

And a tegu is much more dangerous than a hamster.


New Member
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I found a way to directly contact Animal Planet. We can send our feedback to [email protected] (since the US site doesn't seem to have a direct way to contact them) The only way they can know how upset we are over the one-sided portrayal of Tegus is to tell them after all. There is also a comment line where you can leave a message. The number for that is 571 262 4899.


5 Year Member
Kebechet said:
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I found a way to directly contact Animal Planet. We can send our feedback to [email protected] (since the US site doesn't seem to have a direct way to contact them) The only way they can know how upset we are over the one-sided portrayal of Tegus is to tell them after all. There is also a comment line where you can leave a message. The number for that is 571 262 4899.

Great post!



New Member
Im snuggled up with my gU under the blankets and we are watching this on Animal Planet right now, lol.... ironic isnt it? ;)


5 Year Member
So i watched it. And Tegu's are extremely aggressive and dangerous lizards, they are smart which makes them even more dangerous. They are imported,sold then let free. Such aggressive reptiles cannot be kept as pets.

Oh and apparently a ball python is a 10ft snake that can strangle a kid. I never knew that! Did any one notice most of the burm footage was ball pythons roaming.

If you see a tegu... RUN!!!!!

Thats what i learned today watching AP new show. :)


New Member
Strange_Evil said:
So i watched it. And Tegu's are extremely aggressive and dangerous lizards, they are smart which makes them even more dangerous. They are imported,sold then let free. Such aggressive reptiles cannot be kept as pets.

Oh and apparently a ball python is a 10ft snake that can strangle a kid. I never knew that! Did any one notice most of the burm footage was ball pythons roaming.

If you see a tegu... RUN!!!!!

Thats what i learned today watching AP new show. :)

hahahaha! love it. I saw a commercial about venomous reptiles the other day! Most of the animals shown were ball pythons, burms and red tail boas. If they were really looking to educate they would show the actual animals being referred to. Some people learn visually and are going to get the wrong idea next time they see a Ball python at petco. Tegus can be dangerous but they do not go out hunting humans. I understand we don't need them taking over Florida but don't scare people, just make them aware.

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