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  1. Lil_Nas_Rex

    Lil’ Nas Rex wants to say hello!

    Hello All, I just wanted to introduce myself. I have an approximately one year old black and white Argentine tegu. Lil Nas Rex currently lives in a 4x8x4ft fully decked out enclosure. I joined the forum to gain more knowledge about taking the best care of my Tegu I possibly can. Any advice or...
  2. C

    Hello from AZ!

    I'm a brand new tegu owner! Just wanted to say hello to you all!
  3. Mandi&Mushu

    The start of Taming

    So I just got my juvenile blue tegu about 4 days ago. He has been super skittish and I've gotten him out a total of 2 times from his enclosure. The second time, he decided to potty in my hands so I put him in the bath (which was pretty positive experience wise). Both times were negative...
  4. R

    New juvenile tegu , out of control

    So I just got a brand new juvenile Argentine black and white. They said he was captive bred and "skittish", but when he shows up he's completely out of control ( attempted biting, flailing, running ) and his stomach was sunken in, he looked like he hadn't eaten in a while. Eventually I calmed...
  5. D

    Tegu Pacing Concern

    so ive had this 2 foot tegu for 3 days now and he is doing great. he would walk into my hand and eat out of it too now. although, i am concerned about his pacing and scratching on the glass. he does this every night, starting at around 7 (wont stop doing it even after his lights are out). is...
  6. D

    Brumating shortly after arrival

    So ive just gotten my 2 foot tegu in the mail yesterday morning. He was perfectly healthy and interactive. After he finished basking a few hours later, i sat beside the open cage playing on my phone. I Also have him some food since he seemed hungry (idk if it is correct to give him food this...
  7. O

    Is my setup up to par? asking for a friend (the friend is me)

    hi everyone I’m new here and a Soon to be first time tegu owner. I hope to get my argentine black and white by the end of next week but right now I’m currently in the middle of making sure everything is okay with the enclosure and the lighting.I have a solar glow 125W exo terra bulb I’m...
  8. Necro-Sigh

    Wifi The tegu

    Hello, my roomie and I are waiting to welcome Wifi into the world. We plan on pre ordering once the eggs have hatched. His home has been set up, expect for the coconut husk, as we want that fresh. Its about a month and half out till the eggs hatch. He'll be a purple tegu. Doing all the...
  9. TeguTeep

    Tegu Sudden Aggression?

    Hey y’all, this is my first post! So bear with me if something’s in the wrong place or whatever. Anyway, me and my GF just got a 7mo old Argentine B/W. We seem to think she’s wild caught because she has a few scars on her body and one on her nose. We’ve had her for two weeks and she was great...
  10. Lapis319

    Hello! Introduction I guess? Any help would be appreciated!

    Greetings reader! So, I appreciate you reading this: To start, let me introduce myself. I currently own a harlequin crested gecko, about a year old. His name is Toothless. My end goal of a reptile would be a tegu. I have fallen in love with tegus in quite a short amount of time, and can't see...
  11. Jaxon

    Chacoan giant vs argentine

    hi. I’m new to this forum and don’t have a tegu but plan on getting one soon. I just wanted to know if there were any temperamental differences between the to. Thanks!
  12. Reptimomma

    New and a bit nervous!

    Hello, I’m a new owner and a bit nervous to say the least. I’ve wanted a Black&white tegu since I was 7 and I did a huge power point on why I should get one but could never find one after I convinced my parents. Skip forward 14 years and I finally found one! Only concern is... The country I...