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Baby Red Tegu Not Eating

Andrew Lee

New Member
Hello I just got my baby tegu 4-5 days ago and he has not eaten a full meal yet. I offered him some meat mix with veggies, ground turkey, chicken hearts and berries which he ate but he only had a little bit. I’m following rose city reptiles and ty park rules on handling. Not waiting and handling them from day one and digging them up. The basking temp is 110 and the cool side is 78-80. Humidity is 60-80 percent. Does he just have to get used to the new environment? He is pretty active, he basks, digs, and explores his cage a lot. Any advice helps out a lot!


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Hi Andrew and welcome ..... Its just settling in .... go read some posts on new Tegu's or introductions to the site and you'll know what to expect over the next few weeks


5 Year Member
Try crickets -- they run around, your tegu can HUNT them. Dubias and worms don't really move much, no real chase involved. My baby tegu (many years ago) used to love to chase down his crickets and eat them. Dust them once a week for calcium/vitamins.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
Prescott, AZ
Biggest and most nervous question on this site. He/She is prob just trying to handle his whole world changing. They are smart animals, and they're keenly aware that this is a huge new habitat. It's a lot for them to take in. Most will tell you to give them 1-2 weeks, but I had a male that came to me when he was 21 inches. So - full scale puberty and ripped out of the wild. He didn't like it or me at all. Yours is so young, he'll prob adapt quickly in comparison, but you never know. Let him come to you, and just stay with the routine....and we always say "patience, patience, patience".

My male came over and laid his head on my lap 2 days ago. I was sitting on the kitchen floor hoping for it! Big day. :tegu::D


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Biggest and most nervous question on this site. He/She is prob just trying to handle his whole world changing. They are smart animals, and they're keenly aware that this is a huge new habitat. It's a lot for them to take in. Most will tell you to give them 1-2 weeks, but I had a male that came to me when he was 21 inches. So - full scale puberty and ripped out of the wild. He didn't like it or me at all. Yours is so young, he'll prob adapt quickly in comparison, but you never know. Let him come to you, and just stay with the routine....and we always say "patience, patience, patience".

My male came over and laid his head on my lap 2 days ago. I was sitting on the kitchen floor hoping for it! Big day. :tegu::D
Ain't that great to make such a connection?


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
Prescott, AZ
Ain't that great to make such a connection?

Yes - it's really a moment. He and I have been through a lot - and in the end he knows it. It's pretty cool to see the trust after all the work you put in. I just finished telling @goneawry the story you know very well about Skully and the impaction. I'm hoping her young one doesn't have that problem, but it sounds very familiar. I swear Walter - he knew. Skully knew he was in dire straits and surrendered to the invasive things that had to be done, and accepted them for several days in a row. I remember thinking he'd surely hate the sight of me now, but he's so smart that he associates me with relief. Prior to the day he laid his head on my lap, he kept coming over to me and laying close by. I thought it was maybe coincidence, but then you see that look in his eyes. It's a love of some sort. He brightens when I'm around. It's very cool. Subtle.

I'll never forget that time with you and Alpha talking me through it. I learned a lot that first day.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Yes - it's really a moment. He and I have been through a lot - and in the end he knows it. It's pretty cool to see the trust after all the work you put in. I just finished telling @goneawry the story you know very well about Skully and the impaction. I'm hoping her young one doesn't have that problem, but it sounds very familiar. I swear Walter - he knew. Skully knew he was in dire straits and surrendered to the invasive things that had to be done, and accepted them for several days in a row. I remember thinking he'd surely hate the sight of me now, but he's so smart that he associates me with relief. Prior to the day he laid his head on my lap, he kept coming over to me and laying close by. I thought it was maybe coincidence, but then you see that look in his eyes. It's a love of some sort. He brightens when I'm around. It's very cool. Subtle.

I'll never forget that time with you and Alpha talking me through it. I learned a lot that first day.
No coincidence, Debita, and I'm proud to have shared y'all's way through it. Sharing and caring.

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