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Baby tegu keeps hiding


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5 Year Member
Greetings BigRed. I’m not one to give a lot of advice since I’m new to owning Tegu, but since you asked I’ll share what I’ve learned and if I’m wrong someone can point that out.

First, answer Walters question as unless he looks emancipated, dehydrated, or Physically unfit, you don’t have much to worry about as far as not eating a lot yet, it’s only been 4 days.

Some people say to just leave them alone for a week and not even feed them because they’re not gonna want to take food from you. The fact that he already ate some food from you is a good sign. They can and will go long periods without eating periodically. especially in winter time they can go into brumation and not eat for months.

Also they love to hide all day this is very normal, Especially at first. They should have a deep substrate, I like to give at least 6 inches, They love to borough and shouldn’t be deprived of this.

Pictures of setup would help, ilIf you’re using a screen it’s going to cut the UVB and the in half And if it’s too far away you’re not gonna get enough. You could get 10.0 uvb instead, or keep the one you have add another. Watch the temps with a temp gun, You can get a good one on Amazon for like around $15 or so. I have Etekcity brand. Make sure basking spot is 110 F -100. And cool side is mid 70s to 85. You want to create a temperature gradient but also a UVB gradient . Also make Sure there is a humidity gradient, The substrate shouldn’t be soaking wet but should have at least a 75% or so humidity, But I also have some less humid for different option.


New Member
Thanks you so much for the detail response! I have called so many pet stores but there knowledge on tegu is little to none.

I have attached a photo of my set up, the UVB light is a t5 reptisun I have 2 bulbs of 5.0 and 10.0. Since there is a glass I want to make sure he gets enough uvb in him. But ever since I set it up I haven’t notice him going under it. But I know it’s fairly new and he is still getting use to his setup. Do you think it’s okay for me to put his hide right under the basking light? It’s a 100w bulb.

Again thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!


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Your welcome! Here’s the best source that puts together all the information you need to know as far as basics in one place. I was referred here by that site, so in return...

The glass is going to block almost all of the UVB. Also, with a 4 x4 ft you’ll need A basking light and the UVB bulb light heating up the same place, that way tegu you will bask in the heat while getting the UVB too. Also, the longer 24” or so strip Is Good for covering more areas but with less UVB , which is good to replicate shaded areas. Your set up looks like it might need to be secured a little better as far as preventing escapes. Also, A good option for a substrate for you that will help hold humidity and be easy to clean and maintain is 50 % ecoearth, 50 % cypress mulch that is pure cypress and is double milled so it’s not to thick. You can get it at a tractor farm supply store or somewhere else probably. Or for now, just use “ forest floor by zoo med I believe”. I use that plus some organic topsoil without perlite or manure (can be hard to find)along with silica free play sand and leaf litter, but you can keep it simple with the first two ingredients, as it’s less mess
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Also, 100w incandescent, halogen, floodlight will all have different heat output. But The light you use is going to depend on the heat that you need which depends on your location which is different for everybody. A lot savy tegu owners and reptile keepers in general use a cluster of low wattage floodlights for heat source and save money on bulbs and electricity, plus safer, and then buy the expensive UVB bulbs that you still have to get overpriced from pet brands until technology improves. Megaray is brand that sells half price of other uvb bulbs like powersun and last longer, speaking of which don’t forget to replace your UV lights every six months even if they appear to work, unless u get that brand I mentioned. As far as hides, I have a half log hide under one of my basking lights, but under other heat source that is uvb, I have a stone (a tile is what most use). As long as tegu can bask atop the hide and the hide doesn’t heat up to hot inside it shouldn’t be a problem. It should have more than one hide, You can make some out of Tupperware if you have to. Also with a deep substrate with a good consistency, your tegu will be able to make his own hide in addition to the ones you give give him. He may need an additional humid hide, filled with something like sphagnum moss. Or a fogger is a great option too. You really need to provide enough humidity so they shed properly and thrive.
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Thanks you so much for the detail response! I have called so many pet stores but there knowledge on tegu is little to none.

I have attached a photo of my set up, the UVB light is a t5 reptisun I have 2 bulbs of 5.0 and 10.0. Since there is a glass I want to make sure he gets enough uvb in him. But ever since I set it up I haven’t notice him going under it. But I know it’s fairly new and he is still getting use to his setup. Do you think it’s okay for me to put his hide right under the basking light? It’s a 100w bulb.

Again thank you so much for sharing your knowledge
Thanks you so much for the detail response! I have called so many pet stores but there knowledge on tegu is little to none.

I have attached a photo of my set up, the UVB light is a t5 reptisun I have 2 bulbs of 5.0 and 10.0. Since there is a glass I want to make sure he gets enough uvb in him. But ever since I set it up I haven’t notice him going under it. But I know it’s fairly new and he is still getting use to his setup. Do you think it’s okay for me to put his hide right under the basking light? It’s a 100w bulb.

Again thank you so much for sharing your knowledge![/QUOTE
You could find something like a second hand window screen(s) to cover top, other wise hardware cloth maybe, You need enough holes for UVB to Pass through and security

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