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Broken tail


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
The tail is designed to come off, and does not bleed a lot. The top third toward the base does not usually break because it has all the muscle and energy storage. The lower two thirds have speciao sections between the bones that break easily so the lizard can escape if attacked by predators. Using the base of the tail to help hold isn't cruel or unusual if done properly.

Just keep the end clean until the wound closes so it doesn't get an infection. I kept mine on newspaper when his tail broke and used neosporin for a few days. It heals really fast.


New Member
I am a little worried now; his tail obviously stopped bleeding, but now he is not coming out at all. I don't know if it is because I have only had him for 3 weeks, and he's still getting used to his new place, but he hasn't eaten in a week and a half. I don't like to do this, but I did actually dig him out the other day because I hadn't seen him.


New Member
There isn't much you can do but be patient. Make sure his enclosure has right temp zones, humidity, substrate etc... Perhaps as you stated he is a bit stressed. Juveniles are typically more nervous than adults as a survival tool. So his being young, new environment, losing his tail, and the attention you are giving him may lead up to a lot of stress. If his environment is good, then leave him be, you are doing all you can. I understand your feelings as I too recently acquired a Tegu. He is an adult almost 2 yrs, one of Bobby's Giants. I think the previous owner had good intentions but didn't provide for the tegu as well as he could have. The enclosure he was kept in was big enough but extremely dry, the mulch was like dust. There was a layer of dust on everything. He stated that he "misted the tegu often". Well, you can't keep 6" of mulch at proper moisture content by an occasional misting. So my new Tegu has a few symptoms, either from a dry environment or nutrition related. One eye seems slightly swollen, his tail is not symmetrical, and it appears he hasn't been able to shed the lower half of his tail. We brought him home last Saturday and put him in his enclosure. The kids wanted to hold him so we did and gave him a prekilled mouse and put him back. The previous owner had about 2-3" of mulch bone dry. We have 6" slightly moist mulch. Keeps humidity minimum 70%. The Sunday he was burrowing and seldom came out. Monday I had a chance to soak him in the tub and offer food, he took two small bites. I was a bit concerned as he is over 3 ft. So all day Tuesday and most of today he is buried in the moist mulch and of course I, like you, am wondering if he is o.k. This afternoon he came out of the mulch and I opened his enclosure and he came near me so i took him out and offered food (beef liver,turkey,kiwi,blueberries,grapes, cod oil) and he ate like a pig. I felt better. I hope over time he will get healthier and happier. And I hope your tegu does too. What I'm saying is just do your best and try not to worry, what else can you do?


New Member
Thanks, Tensleep, it is hard sometimes not to worry! You're right, though, I probably need to just let him be for awhile. I'm glad yours is doing better; keep us updated on how he is:).
I can't believe they had him that dry; if there's one thing I've learned about tegus through my Colombian, Gabriel, it's that humidity is key. I've seen some tegus that were so dry their skin looked like that of a savannah or a beardie! Gabriel has always had high humidity, in addition to being able to take baths whenever, and for however long, he wants to. My baby red was kept on sand and then Aspen before I got him!!!! That's one of the reasons I worry about baby red: I've known him for about 3 1/2 months before I bought him while he was in the pet store. I would carry him around in the store for an hour or more. He'd fall asleep on me, or find a place to nestle in my ponytail...in other words, we got along great! I started handling him regularly the minute the store got him...he grew used to me, stopped squirming, stopped threatening to bite(which he never did). I watched all varieties of lizards go in & out of that store, and couldn't believe no one wanted the baby red! I had already decided I wanted another tegu, and was thinking of eventually buying one of Bobby's. Then I kept seeing red in the store, and they never kept his cage humid enough, or gave him a sufficient water bowl--I finally gave in and bought him! When I brought him home, he acted like he didn't know me! Then this incident with his tail didn't help either:(.

So sorry to ramble so much, it just seems like things have gone downhill from there. I love this forum so so much, and it has taught me alot! I am so very grateful to you, and everyone else who gives their time, knowledge, and support to this forum and to me!



New Member
Gandolf38 said:
Thanks, Tensleep, it is hard sometimes not to worry! You're right, though, I probably need to just let him be for awhile. I'm glad yours is doing better; keep us updated on how he is:)

I just posted some pics of him


New Member
Tensleep said:
Gandolf38 said:
I saw them, he is beautiful ! I love his markings!
So Gandolf, how is Red doing now? Are things getting better. How is his tail? Are things better? Hope all is well
Hi Tensleep, thanks for asking! I actually had to wake him up today, because I've been worried; he hadn't been out for almost a week, and hasnt eaten in a couple weeks. His tail has healed nicely, and he was calmer. But, STill not eating! So, I am concerned.

Hows your new addition?


New Member
Gandolf38 said:
Tensleep said:
Gandolf38 said:
I saw them, he is beautiful ! I love his markings!
So Gandolf, how is Red doing now? Are things getting better. How is his tail? Are things better? Hope all is well
Hi Tensleep, thanks for asking! I actually had to wake him up today, because I've been worried; he hadn't been out for almost a week, and hasnt eaten in a couple weeks. His tail has healed nicely, and he was calmer. But, STill not eating! So, I am concerned.

Hows your new addition?
Hi Gandolf,
Our new Giant is acclimating to his new home well. He eats like a pig almost every day. And poops like one! If I open his door he will come out on his own, so that is nice. I let him walk around while my dog was near and neither seemed to care less, that too is nice to see. He still hasn't been able to shed most of his tail. I have been bathing him regularly and keep high humidity but still no progress with shedding. It is really stuck. Today I got some baby oil (mineral oil) and applied it to his tail. It will hopefully help. So that is my only concern at this point, getting his tail to shed. Regarding your Red, how many times has he eaten since your first post 3 weeks ago? How old is he, how long is he. When you saw him out last, did he seem alert and responsive. If he seems lethargic perhaps his tank temp is too low? Perhaps he is ill in another way (I hope not). And possibly he wants to hibernate. I know it seems the wrong time of year but I have had other owners tell me their tegus hibernated through the summer. Hang in there!

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