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Can anyone spot what Bella is hunting for?

I've done it with 0 issue so far, actually, I thought my Tegu ate all of them (he's only 3 months) lol.. and then one day recently I was moving some of his decor so I could clean the tank, when I noticed a little colony of isopods somehow sprouted from the depths!

Good news would be that once they colonize, you no longer have to worry about finding outdoor critters that may have pesticides and other icky stuff that could harm your Gu.

Bad news would be, you're still taking a chance depending on where you live. I live in a suburb, so my yard doesn't get sprayed much if at all, however neighbors should be taken into consideration.

I'd say go for it, but maybe give em a quick rinse (don't drown them lol)
I get them from my front yard where the only thing that gets sprayed is water. We’ve had rolliepollies and sowbugs that have been colonizing there for ever since I’ve lived in this house (30 years). So I picked up about 30 Rollie pollies and 6 sowbugs and put them in. Also got some leaf litter from the neighbors magnolia tree


5 Year Member
On the bright side...Isopods are crustaticences (like crabs) and use gills to breath. So I am certain a quick rinse won't drown em XD. I more wondering what plants and stuff are safe for a bio-active tegu enclosure...like are oak leaves and moss alright?
On the bright side...Isopods are crustaticences (like crabs) and use gills to breath. So I am certain a quick rinse won't drown em XD. I more wondering what plants and stuff are safe for a bio-active tegu enclosure...like are oak leaves and moss alright?
Oak leaves are fine if they are dead and moss just get it domesticated because if you or tegu decides he wants to eat it he can get really sick


5 Year Member
Hmmm, that will be interesting, I never 'domesticated' moss before. Should be an interesting project.
Like grown from seeds or whatever from a person who grows them like thebiodude.com or other plant growers
You could probably grow your own but that would take time for how inexpensive some mosses are. You can take the step if you are sure you it is in a good environment but I would at least wash it instead. Just try to make sure he doesn’t eat it

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